Saturday, October 31, 2009

Totally stressed at work, any suggestions?

I teach the after-school class at a day care. Since school has been out i have been working from 8:30-5:30 with of course the 1hr lunch break. well it finally stressed me completely out today. i have tried every type of discipline measure i can think of, they have a set of rules, they have "treasure box" (box full of candy) and they have punishments, such as no treasure box, loosing toys, time outs, etc... well since school has been out all those methods have been used yet not a single one of the kids seem to care or listen to me. matter how i yelled, had been nice, even threatened. i've only been working there since january, this is my first real job out side food jobs or work-study, never missed a day of work, and today i started crying. was just so upset that i tried so hard to let them have fun or to give them things the other classes had that they didn't. but but instead they were breaking all the rules and didn't care. i would love to quit but i need the money. HELP!
1) Seek help from your supervisor or colleagues or others who work in your business. They may have helpful ideas.
2) Be sure you get plenty of sleep every night. Cut out caffeine in coffee %26 sodas, as much sugar as you can, smoking, any drugs. Eat lots of fruits %26 veggies %26 whole grains %26 juices like V-8 %26 carrot juice.
3) Go to counseling, for advice. Group therapy may be an extra help (once a week). Lots of times they have sliding scale fees.
4) Go to a church, or go back to one you liked.
5) Ask an older woman, who had lots of kids, or a retired school teacher, for advice.
Kids will tune you out if you yell. They are more likely to respond to a low, deep voice. Also, it doesn't so much matter what type of punishment or reward you offer, the main thing is to be consistent. If you tell them you'll put them in the corner for throwing toys and they throw a toy, you have to follow up immediately or they won't listen next time.
You need to pat yourself on the back for not having missed work despite your frustration with it. That means you're a conscientious employee. My personal experience is that 2 to 8 months into a job, I come to hate it, but if I ride it out, I learn to like it. Good luck and God bless.
Fold up the tables and chairs, lock away the toys, and anything else in the room. Let them walk into a completely bare room. Don't yell, just let them sit for fifteen or twenty minutes like this, then stand at the front and just look at them until they start to pay attention. When they are all silent and looking at you, tell them what they have to do to earn something back. Then have them do something like jumping jacks for a couple of minutes, and give them something back. The minute they disobey, take it away again. Continue to use exercise as the way they earn fun, continue to speak only in a soft voice that they have to strain to hear. Then reward them for every segment of time spent without misbehaving, not with candy but with praise. Otherwise, be totally neutral. Don't let them see it when they upset you. Only let them see it when they make you happy. Letting them see you be upset gives them a reward and feeling of power, so remove this as a reward.

I know this is asking a lot for somebody your age, but it will work, and you'll end up with them all loving you! Good luck!
Fortunately, this is not the only job in the world. You don't enjoy being there, and seriously, you're going to make yourself sick if you stay - so while you stick it out at your current job (don't quit until you find something else, I made that mistake once and paid for it dearly), head over to your nearest temp agency and hand in your resume. You could be placed very quickly in an administrative job, and even earn more money, and there's no commitment - you can still search for your dream job (or "okay" job, as it were) while you pay your bills. I've been where you are, and these types of jobs will come and go - we never stay where we start. Hang in there :o)
cuss out your coworkers and mess with their ****, take out that rage, it's fun!
go to a bar, find a hot man and let him drill the h0le off of you

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