Saturday, October 31, 2009

There's no hope for me. I am so mad at my husband for telling me that I make noises in my sleep.?

I really don't snore, it's just that I was congested with a bad cough a couple of months ago, and now ever since he said that I can't sleep. I keep thinking this is the reason that I can't sleep. Maybe my mind tried to stop snoring, so now it took my sleep away. He thinks I can't sleep from anxiety due to not being able to sleep, and maybe marital issues. I don't know what to do.
Tell him to sleep in another room..I don't see the big deal that he said you snore anyway...Wake him up and tell him he snores ..Get over it and have a good nights sleep...
Are you really that stressed out by the idea of snoring? That's really silly.
Many many people snore - all the time, NOT just when they have a cold. It's not that big of a deal.
You need to relax and realize that everyone makes noises when they sleep. It's normal!

Heck, I talk in my sleep. There's nothing you can do about it so just relax.
when you dont have a cold, tape record that night and see if you do.
and it is really silly that you are mad about that and alot of people do snore
As a nurse of 7 years I can tell you that everybody at some point makes noise in the night. At some point we will all snore, snuffle, maybe even talk. It's normal, you are normal. And if you had a cold, then it really doesn't matter.

Talk to your husband. Does he realise that this has hurt you, even if that sounds like a silly thing to get hurt about? Ask him questions and make sure there aren't accusations in the questions. You will both need to open to help you get to sleep.

Hope you get some sleep.
Ok, first of all let the snoring thing go. Its not uncommon for women to snore and I'll bet you that he snores louder than you anyways. My wife snores but every time I tell her she denies it so I have stopped. Its not that big of a deal. You shouldn't be stressing over such a small item.
we all make noises in our sleep. have you not been married long? Ive been married quite awile. my husband snores every night, i snore sometimes. neither of us care, and I sleep with my ipod on, and he laughs at me. I even talk in my sleep. sounds like you do have some sort of anxiety sweetie. You need to find a way to relax, not take his words so harshly. I dont know of anyone who dosnt make noise in their sleep. my 12 yr old does, my pets do, my parents do. my 21 yr old does. maybe its your husbands issue not yours have you looked at it from that point of view? In our house it can be annoying, but in all fun, my husbands snoring can be heard in every room. and this is not a small house. So you need to realize we all make noise, we all move in our sleep, we have our days anxiety which carries over to sleep time. but you need to find a way to not let his insensitive remark bother you, relax, and just go to bed, or tell him, you were being a jerk, you make noise too. either way, you can't keep a marrige going without love, humor, and give and take.
Snoring is not the complete issue for you not sleeping.

Ask your doctor for a sleep study to rule sleep apnea out anyway.

Seek marriage counseling if you both plan to try and save your marriage.
I hate to say it, but I think he's right!
Hey..really no big deal ok...I snore everyday, not just soft snore but loud ones.I can't control it. Nobody wants to be like this. My husband says I snore like thunder, my daughter say when I snore my mouth is smelly...:(

I let it past...cos I can't change anything except my position when I sleep. Don't stress yrself due to this.. when yr husband snore, record it and let him listen. Then he will understand how u feel. He might even grinde his teeth..many peoples does that! :P

For me, if they can't take it then we sleep separately, no choice and I don't mind.

Take it easy :)
why would you be mad at him for telling you the truth?

instead of wasting the engery on anger, go see your doctor and find a solution to the problem
There are a few answers here. If you want to know if you snore, then set a digital recorder up with a timer to hear yourself, if you are curious. However, that isn't the real problem. Obviously you are falling asleep and he remains awake for some reason... Marital problems? That gets him angry and he possibly feels resentment.

As far as the sound goes, that's very easy to deal with. Since his birthday is within twelve months, buy him some earmuffs or better yet, get one of those miniature fountains to drown out the noise and help him sleep. Of course he may wet the bed a time or two, but at least it's not you... Then that would give you the excuse to buy him a diaper for Christmas... Just kidding... Anyway, look into the marital thing because my wife snores like a freight train, but I can't sleep without it. :-)
Who cares if you snore. I would like to tell you that I snore and rattle windows, I drool and wake up in a puddle, I am not a very pretty sleeper, but I do not care and neither does my husband, he wakes me up every morning and gives me a kiss before he leaves for work, with my bed head hair , drool and all. Your husband should love you for who you are snores, drool, sleep talking and tossing and turning. Everyone does it, if you don't your dead. And don't be so self consious of it, brush your sholders off. If he wakes you up in the middle of the night, just say sorry and turn over, if it doesn't help, then just say sorry, I can't help it.
Tell him he isn't funny - isn't he just joking about it? Else divorce him.
try getting some of the over the counter nose strips that help with snoring and don't worry about it. Stop losing sleep, he probably does the same thing you just don't hear it because you are sleeping.
take sleeping pills and giv him too
my hubby is a daily snorer. sometimes he snores so loud he wakes me up from my sleep. we talked about it and agreed that its nothing, we even make jokes about how sometimes he make funny noises. i snore once in a while too esp when i'm too tired. its not a big deal really

trust me..

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