Sunday, October 25, 2009

There are no doctors in my town that diagnose and treat ADD, what do I do? I have all of the symptoms?

I took 20mg of adderall 2 days in a row, and didnt feel my usual depression, feeling of being overwhelmed, anxiety, and I finished more in 2 days than i normally do in a month. I need to get my life back. I just finished breastfeeding my second baby, and i weigh 215 pounds. My husband doesn't understand and says its "all in my head". I really dont know what I should do, but I know that I need help. I miss the old Sara.. Im wondering how so many people on the streets have adderall, and I cant find a doc who diagnoses and treats ADD. It makes no sense. Why can't I get it legitimately, yet there are college kids taking it to party harder than usual?
While a psychiatrist would be preferable, ADD is common enough that any doctor who completed med school should be able to diagnose it and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

As for taking the adderall, don't feel guilty. You took a medically appropriate dose of a medication that treats a condition you have, and you only did it for two days. Many people with untreated mental conditions take much worse doses of much worse drugs. That being said, I highly recommend that you not do it again. Medication that powerful really does require medical supervision, and that in turn requires a doctor to prescribe it.
you're an idiot for taking other people's medicine. adderall are considered stimulants which explains why you have had so much energy. you probably had none because you are adjusting to a baby. if you need mental help, find it. does it have to be in your town? no. find it in a neighboring town.
The only doctors that are licensed to diagnose and treat psychiatric conditions are psychiatrists. or sometimes even in a phonebook. If your city has a resource line(such as 411/211) call them and ask.

Also, if you have energy on adderall, you most likely don't have ADD. ADD medications will give people without ADD a feeling of energy, being on the top of the world, as it is an amphetamine. Someone with ADD will feel calm and relaxed.
can you drive to the next town close to you..if you found something that helps,,,,,,you need to get a prescription for it. and then it would be the real meds, not something someone might give you that would hurt you. get on the computer, find a doc, make an appointment and go.
i know how you feel. if you talk to you regular doctor they can help you thats what i had to do. and the college kids that are taking it to parties are retarted
If you do not have a Mental Health Facility there , that will test you for ADD, on a Free Basis, check with your State and see if it has a Board of Mental Health. They can tell you where to go from there. If that doesn't do any good check with the Department of Mental Health through the federal government.
First of all, I'm not really sure that ADD is a correct diagnosis for you. It's possible, and even likely you are suffering from Post-Partum Depression, or any number of other things. None of which are your fault. Stop accepting so much responsibility for the way things are going in your life. Its unproductive. You should see a doctor - but don't wig out. I understand. I don't have health insurance either. There are many many many resources in every city for people in need of help. Check with any local nonprofit social service organization. I work for one in Deep South Texas, and although we are a literacy center, we have access to a lot of referral resources including free or extremely cheap counseling services and medical services. But you probably don't live in Deep South Texas! Try your local church. I know the United Methodist Church has something called "Methodist Healthcare Ministries" who offer medical and counseling services on a sliding-scale basis. I send people to them regularly. And none of them ever pay more than $15 per visit - most of them are free. The most important thing is for you to know that you are not alone. There are people out there who will help you if you can just find them. If you would like, you are welcome to contact me by email. I can try and find some resources for you that are local to you. Most importantly, communicate how you are feeling with your husband. He may not understand, but he is your very best resource for support. If you can explain things to him without accusing, being angry, crying excessively (men hate that), and in a way that he can translate into "man talk," he might just be your rock and foundation in a time that is pure upheaval. Give it some thought.

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