Sunday, October 25, 2009

Symptoms of BIPOLAR???

a friend of mine was diagnosed with bipolar about 1 year ago, are these some of the signs?
very depressed one min. can get very, very happy, energetic, gets up very early...2 am. cant sleep, she also. at the same time can get very moody and bitc--!! snaps at people. and the next minute, it all changes. like a light switch! says she cant think, to much to take in all at once.
i dont understand this, and its very hard to deal with!
i went to sites to find out, they give symptoms, but it dosent say this can all happen in a days time. this goes on almost all the time. she does not think she is bipolar, does not take meds. no ins, no job. no doctor.! any advice?? i want to help. concerned friend..
Yes. It sounds like she has ultraidian cycling (super-fast cycles up and down, can be within hours). This form of bipolar cycling is not fully understood, and is often confused with mixed state bipolar, and borderline personality disorder.

The best thing you can do it urge her to go back to a doctor.
Could be ADHD, prescription of Ritalin may help.
Yes this sounds just like my close friend and she has bipolar too. She has highs and lows but has to be treated with medication (hers is Lithium) It is not something that can be cured but she will definitely need medication as it can lead to suicide. She does things like buy lots of clothes one day and take them all back the next day.
If she's been diagnosed with bipolar, then she probably has bipolar. Does she know the medicine she's suppose to be taking? If she doesn't have insurance perhaps the doctor can or knows a way she can get the medicine for free. If that doesn't work, try going into a big city and head to the poor end of town, go into a store that sells everything, and see if they have the medicine. They just may. (That's what I've heard, since they can't afford health insurance either). She really sounds like she needs help and she's lucky to have you as a friend to help her out. I wish you the best.
could be adhd..or even boderline personality.but doesnt really sound like that.bipolar...usually the moods change every few weeks rather than every day. bbut who knows-i spose if she was diagnosed it was well analysed

I have Bipolar and other disorfers. What you are describing is similiar to bipolar but the symptoms in bipolar last for day, weeks, months. ZZNo all in the same day that bounce back and forth.

Bipolar is not a disorder that shoul ever be taken lightly. It is a dangerous diagnosis for all involved, bipolar has been occassionally known to be lethal so some people.

There are many diagnoses that mimic the symptoms of Bipolar which is why ONLY a psychiatrist should diagnosis and properly treat the patient.

What you are describing sounds to me like it is more ADHD symptoms. Here are some sites that may help you with the information that you are looking for:

Please if at any time you wish to talk to me, my contact info is in my profile. Please feel free to use it any time you choose/ I will share with you what I know and help you with what I do not. But please remember do nit take Bipolar lightly, it is not a diagnosis to ever be looked at like that.

Be safe and be well
If I understand, you first talked about one friend being diagnosed bipolar and then you are talking about another friend that may be bipolar.
The first friend should be on medication.
The second one might be just experiencing a lot of poor diet choices coupled with sugar/insulin issues. Does she drink a lot of caffeine? Eat chocolate or candies often? She might be elated and full of energy and then crash and become lethargic and lazy. She could also be pre-diabetic(mildly insulin resistant) or hypoglycemic. Also poor diet could exacerbate the problems.
First try and get her to take a multi-vitamin daily. GNC has the best ones in my opinion. Then try and get her to cut back on the stimulants(caffeine) and any high sugar snacks.
Hope this helps. Hope I read your request right.
If she is bi-polar and I misread. She could try taking L-Tyrosine, which is an Amino acid. It helps with irritability, depression, and fatigue.
It certainly sounds as though your friend has a mental illness. It could be bipolar but it could just as easily be untreated, chronic depresssion. Either way, the problem won't go away until the symptoms are treated. Your friend needs professional guidance.
If she is diagnosed with bipolar, she probably has the condition. The mood swings are symptoms of this pyschiatric disorder and may be hard for anyone near her to deal with. She may be having them real bad because she is not taking any medications.

She definitely needs help. You will need to persuade her to see a professional to get her condition under control. Let her know that she needs to improve her well-being.

I am including a link for bipolar so that you can understand her condition better

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