Saturday, October 31, 2009

Time to finally see a therapist or what is the difference?

Okay, first thing is first. I've had a combo of low self esteem my entire life as well as other things. For example, I remember I was mad at my brain for communicating too many ideas. Now it seems that's migrated to my uterus. :| Other issues include, not satisfied with gender (on occasion,) general frustration, I suppose the typical feelings of never quite achieving enough, even though I have successfully reached a number of my goals. It is one of those things that comes and goes, but I do know that I have difficulty acknowledging my feelings as appropriate or inappropriate in certain cases. I've also had anxiety attacks before, but this is sporadic but has reoccurred for years.

Anyway, I was wondering if a therapist would be able to help me lessen such feelings and such? I've made progress myself, but I think I'd like help and ready for it. Would there be anything special I would look for or anyone have personal experience in seeing such a person could share said experience? Thanks.
We all have occasional downs. As they say, one out of every three years will be bad, and taking this into account helps keep some things in perspective, and know that the bad times will pass, and better days will, no doubt, show up at some point.
It is up to you to decide if the frequency of your frustration is too much to take or not. Try to coolly evaluate whether your feelings are associated with particular occurrences, or just come to you out of the blue... Are you somatizing things that happen in your life, or do you have abrupt mood swings?
It takes little effort to try a therapist or psychiatrist out, if you feel you may get any comfort from them, and it's definitely better to see how it goes than to sit and wonder.
Good luck.
Yes, a therapist might be helpful. You need to find one you can trust. If you have insurance that covers this, find out which clinic is your provider, and arrange for an initial consultation. If you feel comfortable with the person, keep going. If you do not, ask for someone else.

Good luck.
I would think a therapist could be quite helpful for you. I would seek a therapist who had experience with somatization disorder or related things. I really do think talking to someone in detail and depth would be helpful for you. I'm glad that you've made some progress on your own, and wish you the best of luck.
See anxiety and stress at on pages 6, and 7; the self esteem websites on page 2; read that page, and page 1, on therapist locators, and closely examine the 1-800-therapist website.

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