Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thoughts of suicide?

Hello, I have a question. Before I ask it I just wanted to say I am not suicidal. Okay here is my question. I fight with my sister often. When the arguments get intense I get so hurt I get thoughts of suicide. I am way too much of a coward to do it also I like myself too much. I want to know if anyone had any advice to help me not think of it when I get hurt.
You should seek some sort of professional help to help you learn how to cope with your sister's attitude. If you can't do that, you need to start speaking with your sister and let her know the way you feel. You also need to learn to fight fair when you fight with her. For example, watch the name calling (so hard to do at times when you are really angry or upset and can be verbally abusive); don't bring up stuff from the past (don't hold onto things, it is unhealthy both physically and emotianally); say what you mean, mean what you say; when the fight is over, don't dwell on it or hold grudges (another hard one at times)- when the fight is dont let it go. If she can't abide by this, or learn how to do this and you can, you are more emotionally healty than her.

Keep your chin up- things change when you get older.
Think of the affect on those around you. You don't sound like a bad person, and I would feel I cheated those around me if I wan't there for them. And one other thing.

There is no comming back, it would be the most final ever choise no recourse, no chance to do better. Like fawna said most people have thought about it, but how many questions do you still have to ask?

Life is a good thing, once you get older and don't see your sister so often you'll get along great, I have a twin sister our Teen years were horrific.
I cannot tell you for sure, except to say avoid alcohol and canabis. They are both powerful depressants
most people have had thoughts of suicide...but im not touching that with a 10 ft stick.
maybe you should try to avoid fighting with your sister if possible. if she is the one instigating it, then she is the one with the issues. just remember that suicide is NEVER the answer. if you start thinking about it try talking to someone or take a few moments to calm down. stay strong
I would strongly encourage you to find a mentor/counselor to talk to when these thoughts come up. Make sure this is someone you can trust who will not dismiss your hurts. You are not alone try Also, most people don't really want to end their lives, just their pain, breath deep, and try a hobby like sports ot journaling to blow off steam, but for sure consider counseling with a professonal to find ways to deal with the hurt. Lots of people struggle with this. Best wishes!

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