Saturday, October 31, 2009

This might soung stupid but what can i do to keep myself from stressing too much?

i want to know how i can deal with stress and how i can prevent it from happening,
if u have any tips, please tell me, i would appreciate it
There are three practical things you can do. First, use a journal. Getting all your worries on paper really helps. Second, make a list of your concerns and prioritize them; having a list is a comfort. Third, make it your mantra: "I'm doing the best I can." Say that over and over. The world will not fall apart if you don't get to something; you are only one person, and your efforts do mean a lot.
Concentrate on breathing deeply. Eat well. Be grateful.
to deal with stress, find an outlet that allows you to relax or not think about what ever is making you stressed, for example, running really helps relax and clear the mind. i don't think you could really prevent stress but just try to organize and break stuff down so it doesn't seem too overwhelming.
Stop THINKING that everything will be stressful and too difficult to handle - instead, think of some things as a challenge. Also, get rid of things in your life that can be stressors but are completley unnecessary.
Get lots of sleep, eat very well, no caffeine or sugar. Exercise everyday. Try to learn how to do deep breathing exercises they really work.
you sit yourself down, close your eyes, and take deep long breathes. This slows down your heart rate. Stress in general - a sign you should take more breaks during the day to relax.
The best way to prevent (or lessen) stress is to be prepared. If deadlines at work are stressing you out, make sure you're organized and don't procrastinate. Learn how to prioritize so that the most important tasks get finished on time.

You can also lessen stress by not worrying. When you think of something to worry about it, write it down (but don't worry about it then). You can then allocate a few minutes a day to read over your list and worry. That way, your worries won't creep into the rest of the day and stress you out. And try not to worry about things you can't change; it's a waste of energy.

The best way to deal with stress is to realize what is really important. In other words, don't treat every problem as if it's life and death. A good way to do this is to ask yourself, "Will this be important to me in a year? Or next week?"
for short term stuff try stress balls (also known as squishy balls) u just squeeze them... like if u feel like punching some1 or something u just squish them... some places have different 'resistance' levels... if that makes sense... ( like harder or easier to squish)
Some physical things can cause a type of consciousness change that can relieve stress. That can include heating yourself up (in a sauna or hot tub, doing exercise that increases your temperature), increasing the elasticity of your lungs (usually using breathing maneuvers) or speeding up your circulation (doing exercise is best but caffine can work too). Good luck.
don't think a lot about the things that make you stressed, focus on breathing, and maybe read a good book if you start to stress out. it'll get your mind off everything :)
I struggle with stress too. When I realize what all is stressing me, I try to just take one thing at a time. I don't see it as something that stresses me. I see it as a brief challenge. Of course, there are the things that stress us that we can't control. For those things, I try to tell myself I'm stressing precious years off my life. I pray, exercise until I reach my limit, and write. I write on my Yahoo 360 page, I keep a journal I write in鈥? I find it鈥檚 good therapy. It鈥檚 an outlet when it seems like no one else cares.

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