Saturday, October 31, 2009

This isn't much of a question and it's stupid but?

um how do you know if your meds are working? i've been taking lexapro for 17 days and i'm supposed to see my psychiatrist in a few days to see how i'm doing. but i haven't done any therapy and i haven't changed my lifestyle at all :( so how do i know if they're working? i'm so embarrassed. i don't know what i should tell him. i've been feeling suicidal so i guess they aren't working but the first 5 days i felt hyper..
I felt hyper the first few days too. I actually felt like i was tripping but with no visuals. Then i just kind of mellowed out. Which was followed by a zombie-like state. I mean, I was functioning, but i really got zero enjoyment out of life and I felt my like i had zero creative energy. I've been off of it for about 4 months now and still need some sort of anti-depressant/anti-psychotic but I don't think it will be Lexapro. There are hundreds of different "happy-pills" out there and one that may be just right for you. It does take a while for these SSRI's to work so give it a bit and if it doesn't work for you ask your doc about trying something else. Wellbutrin maybe. Hang in there
just tell him how you feel...he will be able to see if you changed.tell him that you still feel may need to change to another medicine, although i heard antidepressants sometimes take months to work.
sometimes it takes a couple months for anti-depressants to kick in. be up front with your psych or there's no point in going to one at all. or the meds either.
Your body became immune to the pills. making you feel suicidal again. tell this to your psychiatrist and he'll probably prescribe you to a different medicine.
I had the same problem. Just tell him that it helped for a few days, but now you're feeling horrible again. He'll understand.
It took about 30 days for lexapro to kick in for me. Tell your doc how you feel. He'll know what to do.
relax all takes time.. listen to your favorite for me...hope it works for you...x
This type of medications take an average of 4 weeks to see some improvement but if you are feeling suicidal call your psychiatrist immediately because it could be a side effect. Don't be embarrassed you are the patient and have the right to ask all the questions you have is more than a right is your responsibility because you deserve to feel better and enjoy life. Please call your psychiatrist soon, and good luck to you.
It's hard to tell if an antidepressant has kicked in. I know that when I started taking Lexapro (advised my by therapist) I stopped getting as nit-picky about things and didn't cry as much. Otherwise I felt the same. My aunt was taking it for her heart because she couldn't sleep. I still have sleeping problems, so I know that Lexapro isn't working on that for me.

Tell your psychiatrist that it isn't working. No need to be embarrassed because not all drugs work on everyone the same way. Maybe you need a higher dose or something entirely different. Good luck!
Unfortunately psychiatry is not an exact science. The way that you are treated, is to try a medication, see if it works. If not the dosage or meds is changed. It took my shrink six months to find the right prescription and that is about normal

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