Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tapering off Lamictal?

Hi. Long story short, after a year of trying, Lamictal is just not for me.
Starting at 100 mgs, I've tapered down 25 mgs every 5 days. After my third day now at 25, my vision is blurry and I just feel really "blah". Anyone else have this?
I don't feel it's severe enough to call my doc, just wondered about others' experiences.
Thank you :)
Hopefully you are aware that lamictal is an anticonvulsant that can be effective for moderating mood swings for people with bipolar disorder. Even if you do not have a seizure disorder (epilepsy) be aware that tapering off of lamictal or any other anticonvulsant can promote seizure activity. There are many kinds of seizures besides the "losing consciousness" type, and so I'd recommend you contact your dr. to determine if your problems might be related to some low level seizure activity.

The way you describe your tapering schedule I'd hope that isn't the problem but you never know. For instance, my neurologist frequently reminds me not to take antihistimines or drink alcohol excessively since these activities can lower seizure thresholds (I take an anticonvulsant for a seizure disorder.) Any chance you've been drinking lately or taking antihistimines? If so your doctor should evaluate if you might be having low level seizure activity. You could also be at risk for a seizure if your tapering is occuring at the same time as lack of normal sleep or change in time zones from traveling.

Your MD would probably appreciate a quick check in call as (s)he should really be the one you are talking to here. Your MD can also monitor if your symptoms may be related to early stages of mania...if that were the case you'd want to nip that in the bud before it gets worse.

Take care.
you should defintily call your doc. it might be bad, what can he say? keep up with it?
if so then you only have two more days, right?

hope i helped some!

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