Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is gonna sound kinda weird but...?

i am really really pissed at myself right now and i really dont want to say y, all i'm gonna say is i did some stuff that i didn't think much of at the time, and then unexpectedly my friend told me how much it bothered him. is there anything i can do that could make me forget about it? and it is late so please, no one say "hang out w/ some friends" or anything like that. i already told my friend how sorry i am.
thx!! %26lt;3
Well, it's hard to answer a question with no explanation. So, I can assume a million things with what you just said and have different solutions for each one. I guess you have to open up to someone or just figure out the trouble yourself. Good luck.
What you need is a good old fashioned distraction.

Write poetry, play on the internet, paint, draw, read a book, work a puzzle, exercise, anything to take your mind off your problems.
Instead of trying to forget about it (which won't work) you just need to forgive yourself. You know, it's okay to make mistakes! No one is perfect. In the big scheme of your life, this is not the biggest or worst event.

Try to relax and as you breathe in slowly thru your nose think, "Oh well..."
And as you breathe out slowly think, "So what..."

Keep breathing in and out slowly thru your nose thinking, "Oh well...So what."

You have my permission to make mistakes as you go thru life, LOL! We all make them.

Try apologizing.Then do better.The guilt will make you think next time.We all do things we regret.Its part of life and growing up.
Its better u dont forget such things. However do stop recalling and remembering all those stuff that makes u feel guilty. Its best to always remember a mistake so that u do not repeat it ever again. Learn from ur mistakes, it really really helps.
If you contributed to your friend's friend's death, well gosh I would feel guilty.

But if you wrote a nice tribute or something, that is cool. Not sure how far you went. Even if people don't know someone, sometimes a person can touch someone's life that we don't even know like let's say a fallen soldier, or the old lady down the street... whatever may be the reason.

Ask God to forgive you, and that person then all will be well.
Read a book, watch a movie, watch TV, exercise, or sleep!

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