Sunday, October 25, 2009

The control demon of Schizophrenia is?

What are some of the causes for rejection? in other words what is some of the "doors" that lead to rejection?
I'm not sure if I am really understanding your question. I'll try to answer what I think you are asking. People can feel rejected easily if they have felt rejection as infants. A grown man whose mother didn't really want him might try desperately to form relationships but would feel rejected by small things like someone saying they didn't like his shirt. Or a baby might feel rejected if neglected. Or if a previous child in the family had died and she always felt as if it was that child that was wanted and she was a poor substitute. There are many ways children can experience feeling rejected (and it doesn't always or even mostly mean that the parents were seriously horrible or neglectful or abusive). Whether this contributes to schizophrenia, I am much less certain.
The control demon is a little elf called Nigel!
Social rejection exists in a variety of different forms and includes both interpersonal rejection or peer rejection, and romantic rejection. It occurs when an individual is deliberately excluded from a social relationship or social interaction. A person can be rejected on an individual basis or by an entire group of people. Furthermore, rejection can occur either actively by bullying, teasing, or ridiculing, or passively by ignoring the rejected person (e.g. the silent treatment). Rejection can be perceived when it is not actually present
Schizophrenia is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. A "rejection" could be misinterpreted by schizophrenics because their sense of reality is distorted, and could make symptoms worse because it causes stress, but does not cause the illness.
People might reject an individual afflicted with schizophrenia out of fear, there is such a strong stigma. I would guess that a lot of sufferers and their families try to keep it to themselves, as is their right.

I wish I knew more about it. I have a lot of sympathy, I am sure it is hard to be soicable and engaging when one has an illness.
schizophrenia is not caused by rejection but by an imbalance in the brain. Otherwise everyone who has ever been rejected would have schizophrenia
Not simply rejection, but specifically rejection of God
according to 1 Samuel 15:23b

Some open doors might be being unwanted from the womb,
being abandoned

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