Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trazadone / Health / Effects?

I just went on this med, 50mg before bed to sleep. I am/went through a bad case of insomnia/depression and was prescribed it by a mental health doc/nurse. It seems to help, I have had it twice, and am supposed to take it again. I really want to be able to sleep normally and not be dependant on a med.

Health /Effects Questions: I don't really notice to much on the side of a problem other than if I have to get up and use the restroom I have a hard time getting there usually and by morning I am out of it and feel weird and spacey.

Is Trazodone a safe med to take? I generally refrain from all meds unless its really necessary.

Is it also easy to go off of? If I start sleeping and feeling normal again I would like to stop it, as said, I have taken it twice and tonight will be the third time.

Thanks in advance.
I've been taking 50 mg. Trazadone for quite a while, most, but not all, nites. No side effects but I believe it is only marginally effective for me. Have not heard nor read anything bad about it.
i used to take them but they leave you feeling drained not refreshed
I took it myself a few years back. I didn't like it. I know it's for depression as well as insomnia. It did help me sleep but it did nothing for my depression.
I do know that it is a safe med and many people use it.
If it does help you with your sleeping I bet eventually you will be able to come off of it.
Make sure you give it time to work...weeks to a month or so before it is fully in your system.
I was on it for at least five years, at first it effected my vision and made me very tired, I made mistakes of taking some in the mornings..maybe after your on it for several months you may feel o.k. as long as you take it at night..but I feel better,,more alert now that I have been off of it for eight months or more..I'am like you,,I don't want any meds..
Trazadone made me throw up. I'm glad it didn't do that to you. I like Ambien. I feel so refreshed when I take it. I have awful insomnia so I really feel your pain
That is a low dose of Trazadone, it help[s insomnia it's usually used in a much higher dose for anti depression. If 5-0 mg seems too much cut it in half and try that, It is a non addictive drug it is easy to go off of I used to have to use 300 mg just for sleep and still didn't most nights I don't use it anymore as I use something else but I know several people who do use It

Trazadone & Sleep Disorders?

Is this medication good for getting rid of sleep disorders like insomnia? I am having this problem when I try to sleep just about when I get to sleep, I get startled/excited that I am about to sleep and it wakes me back up repeating the cycle all over. My dreams also seem to be panicked, when I wake up I feel kinda worn out. Also with the trazadone are there any side effects I should be seriously worried about? Thanks in advance. ~Pat
I have taken trazodone for sleep and it worked really well for me my Doc told me i could take up to 150 mg at night i never had any bad side effects and i slept good

good luck
I was diagnosed with insomnia about 5 years ago and was prescribed trazadone. It does help.. at least it did help me. I found that if for whatever reason you can't take it for a couple of days in a row.. there is some withdrawal. Shakey, nervousness.. that kind of thing. I have since stopped taking it, but I had to ween myself off of it gradually. ( Benadryl works for me now, and it didn't then) I also gained about 15 pounds during the time I was taking it possibly due to the fact that I'd eat in my sleep. I had good results overall, it works well, and it's not as expensive as some of the other ones. Good luck.
Hi there I have a 15 yr old son who has been on Trazadone since he was 12 and it still works good for him.But I"m sure it can be different for everyone and could or could not side effects. I think thats something to talk to a doctor about. I wish you well. tazzy

Trauma Center- Episode Z5?

I'm on the part where the doctor tells you not to kill the three remaining GUILT because he's making something to inject into it for a sample. I'm at twelve seconds left and paused the game becuase I really don't want to do this episode for a third time. The doctor's not going to give it to me in two seconds, is he? And if not, how do I beat the level? I tried the healing touch and the scalpel. But I may have done something wrong. Can someone please help me?
i think you may be in the wrong section for this - try "games %26 recreation" section then click on "video and online games"

Trauma after a medium-type injury?

Unconsciousness, concussion, bruising, bleeding, cuts injury.

Can this leave me feeling traumatised (not that anybody but me would notice?) some three weeks after the event?

I am not a person who suffers from nerves or depression or anxiety. Trauma takes the form of misreading other people and makes social interaction nigh impossible.
you need to see your doctor and get the proper referrals. probably a neurologist? TBI - traumatic brain injury - can effect your brain seriously. You need to get the proper help. Get checked out. You are not crazy. I am shocked they didn't offer you the proper care at the time of injury.
grow a set of nuts girly man
Yes, you can be traumatized after an injury.
I was traumatizes after a car accident over 50 years ago and as a result when I see a car with its head lights on parked on the wrong side of the road I break out with a panic attack. Also I can't wear a seat belt for fear of being trapped in a car and have a doctors note not to wear one.
yes it is very possible to suffer trauma 3 weeks 3 years and even 30 years after the fact. you know sometimes our body go into a lets say shock state where we don't take it all in for some reason and then all of a sudden boom it hits you like a tone of bricks. if its effecting your life so much just pop to the doctors they will help you get past it all.


Authorities on Asperger's Syndrome have plausibly argued that a high proportion of trainspotters probably suffer from various degrees of the complaint, (Frith 1991)

Your thoughts please?

Please don't be rude about them, this is a genuine enquiry.
It seems very likely that this is true when you consider the behaviours displayed. A fixation on a subject to the point of keeping detailed and extentsive records - this is behaviour pattern is quite typical of individuals suffering from Asperger's and other Austistic conditions.
I think you're being silly. What about bus spotters, and car spotters. Train spotting is not the waste of time that a lot of people make it out to be.
my thoughts?

all males are anal to a degree

look how millions obsess about following a sports team

OCD right there...

OK, plain English for us down to earth people plzzzz! anyway...who is to judge anyone who likes something! women are obsessed with clothes make up , purses sales (salespotters! he he he) and men with sports and there larger than life toys and boobs (boobspotters! he he he !!) who cares! ? stop picking on people; people!

Trained Insensitivity?

Ever since I can remember I've been EXTREMELY emotional. No, not just around that time of the month, but always. I used to attribute it to my being a Pisces but now I think it might be something more than that. Is there a way that I can train myself to not be so emotional? If so, how would I go about it?
Please don't train yourself not to be emotional.

Learn how to cope with what is triggering your emotions. There is a reason you are extremely emotional. Talk to your doctor, and explain you don't enjoy being emotional. Don't buy into medication only, get some counselling and develop your coping skills.
I would like to know that too. I think we should watch men and try to figure out how they flip that switch when they do.
most of this kind of people have some bad memory in their life,what about you,if you have too then try to forget your past day
I can tell you how because i've done it. i am the kind of person who cries at everything. (maybe i'm depressed, but i've been like this since i was liiiittle. ) so all i do is when i'm about to cry i swallow and i just forget about the event. i have done this so often that it's second nature. of ourse there are the days where i just BREAK DOWN from all the retaining, but i think it's worth it. so all you do is blink while swallowing and forget it ever happened. best of luck!
let yourself be emotional... i've seen people go from being caring and sensitive to cold and sick, completely shut out from the world...
you might cry every day, but would you rather never crying? hearing that your mom just died and not shedding a tear? or watching your best friend take a hail of bullets to the chest and head, and not having any emotions? (yeah, i've seen someone who was over sensitive and very easily upset become so cold that when she saw her best friend take 23 bullets to the chest and another 4 to the head she didnt even cry...)
There may be a way. Check it out with a professional counselor or psychiatrist. You may also have a chemical problem going on that can be fixed or tamed.

Tow months after quiting Tofranil i had strong pain then i took it again why is that pain and how can i quit ?

that pain last for tow weeks then my doctor return the medicin in small dose then add more doses and said it was chronic anexity and i should take medication all my life ive been taking medicine for four years the doctor change the medicine when i tell him that i hate to talk with my frinds in work i want to know when i get well and stop medicine because it makes me sleep a lot and wake up with new memory
I am not sure what the question is so if I am well of base with my answer I am sorry. I know its hard but if you have a long term illness of any kind its best to stay on medication. I have a number of disorders and all are long term life long illnesses that I have to take medication for. I know that the sleeping to much can be hard and have you not tried a different medication as there is a lot of them out there that might be of help to you. good luck your not lone take care Lisa
Tofranil is an older anti-depressant. I assume you mean by "pain" either depression or anxiety. In either case a newer medication for depression or anxiety may be indicated. Also it is often beneficial in both depression cases and those involving anxiety to undergo "talk therapy" with a psychotherapist to discover and help eliminate the causes of your depression and/or anxiety. Until you identify the cause of the condition it probably won't "go away" as medications only dull the symptoms and do not eliminate them.

I am not a doctor so bring these matters up with yours and try to get him to identify what is causing the anxiety and/or depression or recommend a psychologist who can.

If the "pain" is not depression or anxiety but physical pain it may not be related to stopping the drug but another cause which if it persists should be investigated.

Good luck, good health, peace and love!

Totally stressed at work, any suggestions?

I teach the after-school class at a day care. Since school has been out i have been working from 8:30-5:30 with of course the 1hr lunch break. well it finally stressed me completely out today. i have tried every type of discipline measure i can think of, they have a set of rules, they have "treasure box" (box full of candy) and they have punishments, such as no treasure box, loosing toys, time outs, etc... well since school has been out all those methods have been used yet not a single one of the kids seem to care or listen to me. matter how i yelled, had been nice, even threatened. i've only been working there since january, this is my first real job out side food jobs or work-study, never missed a day of work, and today i started crying. was just so upset that i tried so hard to let them have fun or to give them things the other classes had that they didn't. but but instead they were breaking all the rules and didn't care. i would love to quit but i need the money. HELP!
1) Seek help from your supervisor or colleagues or others who work in your business. They may have helpful ideas.
2) Be sure you get plenty of sleep every night. Cut out caffeine in coffee %26 sodas, as much sugar as you can, smoking, any drugs. Eat lots of fruits %26 veggies %26 whole grains %26 juices like V-8 %26 carrot juice.
3) Go to counseling, for advice. Group therapy may be an extra help (once a week). Lots of times they have sliding scale fees.
4) Go to a church, or go back to one you liked.
5) Ask an older woman, who had lots of kids, or a retired school teacher, for advice.
Kids will tune you out if you yell. They are more likely to respond to a low, deep voice. Also, it doesn't so much matter what type of punishment or reward you offer, the main thing is to be consistent. If you tell them you'll put them in the corner for throwing toys and they throw a toy, you have to follow up immediately or they won't listen next time.
You need to pat yourself on the back for not having missed work despite your frustration with it. That means you're a conscientious employee. My personal experience is that 2 to 8 months into a job, I come to hate it, but if I ride it out, I learn to like it. Good luck and God bless.
Fold up the tables and chairs, lock away the toys, and anything else in the room. Let them walk into a completely bare room. Don't yell, just let them sit for fifteen or twenty minutes like this, then stand at the front and just look at them until they start to pay attention. When they are all silent and looking at you, tell them what they have to do to earn something back. Then have them do something like jumping jacks for a couple of minutes, and give them something back. The minute they disobey, take it away again. Continue to use exercise as the way they earn fun, continue to speak only in a soft voice that they have to strain to hear. Then reward them for every segment of time spent without misbehaving, not with candy but with praise. Otherwise, be totally neutral. Don't let them see it when they upset you. Only let them see it when they make you happy. Letting them see you be upset gives them a reward and feeling of power, so remove this as a reward.

I know this is asking a lot for somebody your age, but it will work, and you'll end up with them all loving you! Good luck!
Fortunately, this is not the only job in the world. You don't enjoy being there, and seriously, you're going to make yourself sick if you stay - so while you stick it out at your current job (don't quit until you find something else, I made that mistake once and paid for it dearly), head over to your nearest temp agency and hand in your resume. You could be placed very quickly in an administrative job, and even earn more money, and there's no commitment - you can still search for your dream job (or "okay" job, as it were) while you pay your bills. I've been where you are, and these types of jobs will come and go - we never stay where we start. Hang in there :o)
cuss out your coworkers and mess with their ****, take out that rage, it's fun!
go to a bar, find a hot man and let him drill the h0le off of you

Too Much Lithium??

I have started Lithium 300mg a day, along with other meds, about two and a half months ago and it worked for me well. Since about two weeks I do not feel good, have some side effects. Is it possible that lithium level in my blood is too high? My pdoc said i do not need to have a blood work since the dosage is so small. I am 6 ft and 190lb.
300 mg is not a lot, typical dosage would be 900 mg to 1500 mg.

A typical side effect of high lithium is tremors, it would make your handwriting hard to read. Also thirst and excess urination.

I took litihum and it does take some getting used to, it made me nauseus for a while. If that's an issue try splitting the dosage, it's a salt so you can open the capsule and dissolve it in water. It will taste like hell but it may be easier if you take it three times a day that way for a while.
Make sure you have read all the info about Lithium first. You can do some research on the Internet. Two weeks of feeling crappy might be normal side effects. Another possibility is maybe that drug is not the right drug for you. But you'll have to give the medication some more time to find out if that is the case. Next time you have an appointment with your psychiatrist, tell him/her if you still have symptoms as you describe. I doubt if it is because you took too much Lithium, though--maybe you just don't react well with the drug or didn't give it enough time to work.
Aaaaack! OK%26gt; check out this webpage. Lithium levels should be checked in every patient who is taking it. Second, lithium is an older drug and there are much better drugs out there for bipolar disorder. Third, you don't say what your side effects are, but it's possible that your lithium levels are toxic right now. You should call your pdoc immediately and insist on being tested right away.
Test Lithium level at day five of starting or increasing a dose.

Then test Lithium level each month for 3 mths and then every three months for next year after that.

Also, Lithium can cause hypothyoid very often in patients so you must have regular tsh levels taken when you have the Lithium tested, other tests are cbc and lytes which should be tested at same time. If Lithium levels are off then you will get your meds adjusted. 300 is low amount to take but not sure how it would affect tsh at that level so I would be asking about that.
Lithium can be Rx'd up to 2,400 mg. My (key word my) psychiatrist says 300mg is considered a low dosage.That does not mean you should not insist on a blood work up if it puts you more at ease and certainly discuss your symptoms with your doctor. Adjustments to Rx "cocktails" are often advisable and perhaps this is what you require. I'm grateful for having been under the care of a involved and intelligent psychiatrist for 2.5 years. She is conservative with respect to Rx's I take 600-900 mg of lithium 3x daily. My blood serum levels have never above .05 and I have blood work done every 3 months. Therapeutic serum levels are considered to be above .08. Water,water,water drink it up and no caffeine for your well being.

Too fast!!?

ugh i have a problem... I talk to fast i eat to fast i do things just too fast! i feel as if im always running out of time anyone know of something that could help me im going crazy here! like just right now i was talking to my mom and she isnt a mean person she is accualy the nicest person i know but she was like... If you want me to understand you and listen to you you have to talk much slower... but my whole family (on my moms side) talkes sooooooo fast but i can understand them i talk so fast that sometimes me speach it slurred and i sound retarded... anyone know of some kind of thing to just help me to not rush life or to tell me why im just being so fast ive been doing this fast thing for like 2 years but its gotten rlly bad this past year...
could be a.d.d ...could be mania (im bi-polar and i talk really really fast when im manic) or it could just be your style if it bothers you see a docter and be checked out
oh lol about your mom my mom used to ask me if i was on speed cause i talked so fast
seen the doctor about it? could be something to do with your thyroid, they checked mine cos i was really slow and quiet, but i think it works the other way too. you could try calms which are a hebal sedative thing, they help keep me calm when im stressy, ask the people in boots or whatever pharmacy you have.
sounds like mania or bipolar
YOU ARE MANIC right now.

The ADD meds can bring on constant mania.
It might feel good to be 'up' all the time but your judgement is clouded, TRUST ME.
Tell your mama, daddy, doctor, ALL OF THEM.
Sleeping for teens is a big issue with mania.
Around 4am or so is when your growth hormones kick in. If you aren't in REM then you don't get them
Peace to you tonight little one.

Today when i wake up, i gotta get my bloood level checked to make sure my medication is right, but...?

i just got put on depacote fo bipolar, but my psychiatrist wanna check my medicine level, n they fo real pressurin me a lot to get blooodwork done to make sure my level of medicine is right. do they check fo thc levels too? if they do, anyway to get rid of dis sh!t b4 da long do da thc stay in da body. if it show up, n da shrink lookin fo dat, then wut gonna happen? they aint gonna lock me up, r they? mah bad, i didnt even kno they wanted me to go tomorrow...will they look fo da thc level too?
Look at your script for the bloodwork-if they simply ordered a depakote level, then no, they won't get a thc level as well. If they know you are a substance abuser and they ordered a whole tox screen, then yes, thc will show up. Read your script for the bloodwork. I believe thc stays in your system for 30 days. Try and stay off street drugs while they are adjusting your level at least so that you and they know how well the medication is working.
drink a bunch of vinegar
In fifteen years you will be on SSI and have two nurses keep track of your whereabouts. Your brain will be fried and the depression pain will be so severe as you try to escape taking medication you will cry and run to the hospital to be put on the drug again. This is very serious stuff.

Today is my birthday. For the first time a birthday has me bummed out. What good suggestions do you have?

to make me feel better?
I was bummed on my birthday this year, too. I had just gone through a breakup, and the last thing I wanted to do was celebrate. Here's what I did: I spent time with just a few close friends who care about me. We went out for dinner, watched a funny movie, and talked. Later, when I was by myself, I thought about the fun I'd had and the things I'd accomplished in the previous year. And finally, I wrote down a few goals and things to look forward to this year. Having one bad year, season in life, or birthday doesn't spell doom. Things will look up. Hang in there. And if this birthday isn't the best, it only means that down the road there will be ones that are better.
Ice cream and a good movie always works for me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's better than the my Dad always said. old are you?..I may have a real serious answer for you
try hanging out with older people and maybe it will make you feel younger
None. Unless you like to drink! j/k You'll get over it in a couple of days, you have no choice right
happy Bday!
go sky diving it's so fun
reflect on the past year and think about the things that made you grow and change in positive ways...
then eat a gallon of ice cream!
Get over yourself, it's not all about you. What did you do for someone else today? How are you sacrificing of self for others? Do you give more than you take? Do you know your Lord? Are you in a good Bible-believing church?

Lord bless!
Well I first have to wonder which birthday you're celebrating. If it's your 21st, we have trouble! If it's your 30th, just remember wherever you are in your life, you have lots of time to either enjoy it, or fix it...Now 39 was hard for me! Depressing! Not only was I in my last year of my 30's, I was about to become a grandmother for the first time. Talk about shock. I truly suffered a mid-life crisis. None of my 40th birthdays caused an unusual amount of depression...just the normal, oh god, I'm getting up there... Now my last birthday, my 50th, I tell you it was downright exciting. I made it! Yeah! Not everyone can do that! I can't pinpoint it, but for some reason I feel free, liberated. Like I said, I don't know why I felt this way. I guess you just need to remember the older you get, the longer you've lived and just thank God for each and every day!

Today i payed $ 97 for my lexapro?

it that too much i only got 30 pills and Six refill
Try the link below. You can get a 90 day supply of 10 mg of Lexapro for $119 and the generic for $99.

I get my drugs here all the time.

Good luck.
i paid $54 for zoloft
No, that sounds about right. I used to take Lexapro 20mg and I had to pay about $80 for a 30 day supply.
That seems very high to me. don't you have prescription coverage? I know I could not pay that amount on my budget. Maybe get some coverage or something? Mine are free of charge, and I take the lexapro daily.
It sounds about right. Antidepressants generally are pretty expensive for one month. Ask your doctor to see if there's a generic brand that will cover under your insurance if you have it, and also it'll be a lot cheaper!














That's about how much I would pay if I didn't have insurance. If it gets to be too much to cover (cost wise) ask your Doc for samples or to put you on a different drug. You could also try ordering your drug through a mail in pharmacy. You get a three month supply so it's a bit cheaper (bulk rate kind of thing)

Today I felt like I was losing it with our stress situation?

A package was delivered for my husband and it turned out to be a hand gun. He's an avid hunter and likes to shoot as a pastime. But right now he's fighting cancer and I've seen a "little out of it." I felt a gun was the last thing he needs. He's not as "with it" as he used to be with his illness. Was it wrong for me to be mad at the gun dealer for selling it to him and that he purchased it? I was sooooo mad!
I can thoroughly understand where you are coming from.

I would report what you have said about his condition to both his Dr. and to the gun dealer who sold it.

Could you have refused the delivery, or returned it?

For advice, you may want to ask a general question of the local law enforcement, and express your concerns.
Well I dont understand what you mean by out of it but I can tell you some people who are dealing with cancer live like they arent because they still want to live a normal life and if you mean by out of it as he is depressed than I would be concerned for him if I were you but if you mean something else than I dont know if I would be mad or anything. Just remember it wasnt the gun dealers fault because if he has no past history of anything and he doesnt know if he had cancer and a lot of people dont know that a person has cancer because they dont tell everyone than its really nothing he did wrong. What about going with him at first when he goes hunting or whatever he does? Than you can watch him and see what he actually has planned with the gun. You might feel more at ease and later on you might be ok with him hunting alone but share you feelings with your husband. Im sorry you and he is going through such a hard time.

Today I am very confused why every one cheet me I never did wrong with anyone and try to help every persone's

The same has happened to me and my best fiend many times so we have learnt that do not help anyone unless he/she asks for your help and donot trust blindly on anyone even if you know him/her cos now the world has changed it's no SATYUG anymore. and keeep doing good by your side even to the bad ones God watches everyone.The best to help is POOR , The best to serve is POOR
We attract into our experience, things we fear experiencing the most, so be aware of your thinking as well as your beliefs that are subconsciously running your life, as we attract what we think about the most.
it is something in your appearance today provoke this. its luckily a bad day to morrow is again a good one

To men with dysthymia: how did you overcome it? Did you do it without meds?

For personal reasons, I just wanted to ask "guy to guy", if there's any guys on here that used to have dysthymia (aka light depression, as I call it, or chronic depression), and if you overcame it fully and how you did it. I deal with it on a daily basis and I feel it's almost debilitating, as I can't have fun and enjoy the sun, love of others, beautiful things, etc. I believe it stems from emotional stuff in the past though, so I don't want to take meds ( I'm anti-med anyway). Suggestions guys? Ladies are allowed to input, but I mainly did address the question to guys that fit the description.
I have suffered from the same malady as you on and off for 25 years. I tried exercise, diet change, you name it but couldn't get the monkey off my back. I finally went to a psychologist who told me taking meds for my problem is the same as someone who takes meds for migraines, arthritis, stomach problems, etc. They treat and relive the problem. We have a mental problem and meds are used to treat them just like any other problem. I take a .5 Xanax and only take them if I feel an episode coming on. Some days I'm fine and don't need them. On the days I do, they are a godsend and work very well. Good luck!
I'm not a guy, but there are a lot of things that you can do to help. Basically all the medications that they would give you effect the amount of Serotonin in your brain. They're technically referred to as SSRIs or "Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors."

There are lots of things that you can do to naturally increase your serotonin levels without taking medication though. Daily exercise will increase serotonin levels, so try going for a walk every day. You can start out just going around the block, and eventually walk longer and farther. Hopefully you can eventually step it up to jogging. Riding a bike is good exercise too.

Getting sunlight helps the brain produce serotonin. Try to sit out in the sun for just a few minutes a day to get the serotonin-factory in your brain cranking.

Vitamin deficiencies, even small ones can lead you to have less energy and to be depressed. Taking a multivitamin every day is just all around good for you. B vitamins in particular are important. Taking Omega 3s (which you find in pills like Fish Oil, but won't find in a multivitamin) also helps a lot of people with depression.
I am not a man but I have mental illness as well. If you think you are feeling this way because of things in your past and don't want to take meds, I would suggest you find a good counselor. Ask your physician to recommend one. Maybe talking about the things that bother you will help you get past them. I suffer from depression and panic disorder and I take an antidepressant. It really helps me to live my life and feel better. So if counseling doesn't help, don't give up maybe medication will be the way to go. You may be amazed at how much they help.
I have that diagnosis and medication is the only thing that really works.

I don't want to take medication either; but that's the way it goes.
I'm not a man but I have the same condition and I have been much better since going back to college. Keeping the brain engaged on things outside our own lives. There are some good men's clubs that help the needy. Have you tried fishing, a lot of men enjoy it and it will get you outside. I can understand not wanting to take meds because sometimes the side effects can be worst than the problem. You might tell the doctor of being anti-med and get the weakest one at half dose. Life is too short to be sad when better is just a pill a day away.
Don't know how scientific this is, but to me there's a difference between mental and emotional problems. Emotional is when something has happened and you're having difficulty dealing with it and processing it. And it's dragging you down. Which is where you might be right now. But if you don't clear the emotional slate through therapy, you can damage your neurons and end up having a mental problem - depression. And really needing meds. Guys seem to have a harder time going for therapy, but if mob boss Tony Soprano did it, why not you? It could save you a lot of angst and grief further down the road. Because those emotional issues are not going to go away. They will be in your subconscious until you deal with them. I know some guys who had issues they didn't deal with and ended up having much bigger problems down the road - especially the guys who drank in an effort to drown their sorrows. So please please please talk to a therapist or a minister/priest. Blessings and Bliss! - Bunny

To get lighter what would be the best way to?

if you mean lose weight, just eat healthy foods, work out daily and limit time spent on the computer and tv. :) it should work.
dont go on one of those diets, they never work, and you just gain the weight back afterwards anyways.
Liposuction! Chhhhhhh! What a fatty!
I dont what you mean by lighter if you talking about skin color this is the wrong section but anyways get skin lightner like ambi or something you can find it at walgreens i hope that help
stay indoors--I did it I used to be so dark my knees and elbows were purple but actually
I miss it except the skin cancer risk, don't be ashamed to be like afri-can porteuri=can Mexi-can etc.-can that can is that we can tan be proud of it.
OR, stay out of the sun.
if you mean to lose weight, here is what 2 do:

try using something like microsoft excel and set up your very own schedule/menu like in those junky magazines.
decide what your meals will be and what you can have for snacks.
you should also make a list of what NOT to have. If you DO eat something off of that list, you can punish yourself in some way or another.

you can also check out websites with dieting help and special recipes just for you.

here are a couple of helpful links:


You know the old joke,

"How do you get rid of 10lbs of ugly fat?"

"Chop your head off".lol

No need to be that drastic, just keep your mouth shut.

The less you put in the lighter you will become.

Eat sensibly, stay away from fatty foods, no sweets and cut down on dairy and sugar.

What are you hoping to gain from being lighter?

That is what you must ask yourself, is being lighter worth the self sacrifice and constant watching what you eat.

Myself I would rather enjoy my food now rather than eat nothing in the hope that I live a little bit longer.
By the end of your life you are usually knackered up anyway so who wants to extend the agony.


To everyone here whos depressed, anxious, racing mind, read up , this is very important info?

ok this isnt a question its a statement.. ive found this herbal suppliment called st johns wort. you can get it almost anywhere. its cheap. now everybodys different soit mat work it may not. but for those it does work for its a god send. your over thinking mind quiets down so that you can concentrate on better things than putting yourself down. you have more energy because the weight of stress has been lifted. i sleep better at night and im more comfortable in normally uncomfortable situations. to those who keep seeing me type about this , is because i feel that self help is very important. and if something can save you tons of money and time from having to be in a doctor office then i want to spred the word. ive been taking 21st century st johns wort for 8 months. my life is better because of it. i would never state my opinion so strongly unless the statement im stating was factual for me. so i hope i helped. oh and for those of you looking for quick relief, this was it for me.
Great job in looking for a natural remedy! I hope people can learn from your experience - more people should try to help others like you do! :)
Hey girlfriend !! Sounds like I might just try a wee bit of your kind advice ...... I've just put a question out there into the mental health forum and you sound like you have my answer there!! I'll let you know how I go ..... Meantime, here's a star for you!!... :0)

girl, god brought u in this world to tell me, i have social anxiety, and i will try this!

u r a true angel!
I am like the person you described.


I am not nor will I ever take St. John's Wort. Herbal supplements are NOT regulated. Study after study showed the great inconsistency with them. The active ingredient can be so high it is toxic. On the side of the coin, slow low to cause irrational thoughts.

I am glad it worked for you. I am sticking with the plan my psychiatrist is working from.

I respect your option, very concerned over it not being regulated.

A quote from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

"St. John's wort is not a proven therapy for depression. If depression is not adequately treated, it can become severe. Anyone who may have depression should see a health care provider. There are effective proven therapies available. "

I am very very happy its working for you. But as with any natural and/or prescribed medication, each patient is different.

Take Care, Dee
I have great doubt about what I am about to say, you seem like a very sincere person, and quite bright.
However, it seems to me from reading your, many question, you have a great deal of self doubt, and are looking for a something (anything) to fix you. From what I read I would think you are manic, and have a great deal of anxiety.
This is not something that a pill can fix, you need someone to talk with over a period of time. Please find someone who you trust and bare you soul. As bright as you are when you get past this bump in the road I assure you, you will have a wonderful life, and be of benefit to many others. All my best to you. Sincerely

To all who previously answered my question?

thank you.
it helps out a lot to know i am not paranoid
i am now 21, but this has been a part of myt life since i was 7.
both my parents wanted to get divored, but didnt want me to be another problem divorce child.
i was just concerned because i feel so guilty, as if my birth screwed up their lives, and i remember trying to kill myself then. they found out what i was doing, and asked why but i couldnt bring myself to say i was only trying to help by suicide.
i was just concnerned about the money part. i feel so dirty now, like i am worth nothing and deserve nothing.
i also break down and cry when i see people spending money, i am just afraid i am slowly goign crazy i suppose, and i get terrible mood swings from happy to needing to cry to release pain
Are you seeing a therapist, do you have a support group, church group or good friends who stand by you?

You need to start with your doctor, he can make referrals to competent mental health care. You should also start creating a support network, join things, churches, groups, society's anything that interests you.

Get out and get fresh air every day, walk, bike or swim laps, to get your brain chemicals working for you.
I am so sorry you are going through this. Please talk to your parents about your anxieties and mood swings. They should take you to a doctor to discuss a possible diagnosis.

Noone cries when they see people spend money. This is not normal. Please call a doctor.

You are a gift to the earth, not dirty nor worthless. We need you.

Get healthy and live your life the way it was meant to be lived!
It's hard to get past stuff that happens when you are a kid. That's the time you form your personality. I hope you will come thru this OK and you will be a wise person who can help others when you get there. Good luck! (Nah, you don't need luck, you will do it!)

Tired but can not sleep, stiff neck, head aches, moody, whats wrond with me?

right now is summer vaction and im really tired all the time but i can't sleep, i have a constant stiff neck, head ache, and im very moody. I can never get comfy, i hate this feeling.
Sounds like you need more water in your system as a starting thing to fix. It's easy to get dehydrated in the summer and the symptomology is exactly as you have described.

After that it is entirely possible you have caught a cold. They are rarer this time of year, but there has been a flu getting passed around my area this summer.
Them are signs of a stroke, seriously, call your doctor. :-{(
Sounds like stress and worry. I get it all of the time.

Tips on letting go of stress and depression.?

It seems the world is weighing me down, when it's raining and pouring how do you stay dry?

Tips and suggestions on how to stay stress free under *ANY* circumstance?
1) get rid of negative people 2) help others 3) do something creative (write, sing, play music, paint) 4) exercise

Edit - I spent 5 months on bed rest and I understand how devastating that can be. I learned to embrace the very small pleasures of life. I read lots of books. I called people. I took long soaks. I watched horrible and ridiculous TV, like Jerry Springer. I watched Marx Brothers movies.

Find a website for other people (like pregnant women) who are on bed rest and get into some chat groups. You need help talking to people who have been through what is happening to you.
i have alot of stress in my of the ways i deal
with stress is that i go on a real long walk and i also
workout,this doesn't get rid of all my stress,but it helps
When I`m really...I mean really down, I PAINT any thing. Belive it or not I forget whats around me. When I finish the picture (normally the same day), I think "why was i depressed today".
You're doing it right now.
When I get that way I'll come here and read about other problems and sudenly mine don't seem so all alone.
This is a good forum for people to keep in touch with others from all walks of life and make new friends.
Sharing is the best remedy for those of us who sometimes feel alone with our woes. Ya-who

Tips for over comming depression?

Does anyone have any please? How did you overcome depression?
I think it all depends on who you surround yourself with. It depends on what you do with yourself day in and day out. YOu need to surround yourself with positive, inspiring people, who dont have to REMIND you that you're a great person, but will make you FEEL like a great person.

You need to do physicall activity to build endorphins - go for a bike ride, a run, a swim, a hike, whatever... Get your body healthy. Once you build endorphins, those are your happy sensors.

You need to find something you love to do and do it. Find something you love to read and read it... surround yourself with things you LIKE. understand that life is a blessing, and maybe even develop faith.

YOu are only depressed when you feel like its the "same old" and you cant think of any alternatives. EVERYONE gets in that rut. But its up to YOU to get out of it. My take is you're lazy. and dont want to move. You just want to sit there and sleep or sit there and eat or just... sit there.

Well if you want to feel better, you need to get up and find a new alternative.

You have all the power, so you go make it happen.
Positive thinking, keep yourself(mind) busy,exercise.
it depends what kind of depression but with mine I have councelling do EFT and distract myself from negative thoughts.
It depends on the type of depression and the cause.

Talking to a doctor is a good first step.
Exercise is probably a good place to start and maybe a new hobby.
Good luck
i didn't ever have it but my mom did she went to counseling for three months she also is on medicine it really helped her.
go some were fun, or just talk to your parents and friends.
i got a therapist and went on prescription anti-depressants. my friends and family were all very supportive and still are. depression for me will be a lifelong thing, so it is important to stop it before it starts if possible.
Depends what your depressed about. If you suffer from the disorder, you should see a doctor. But, if your sad over something try thinking of anything that makes you smile. Your child having fun, a baby you love, singing, what ever you enjoy. Every time you feel depressed, change the frequency to thinking of anything that made you your happiest. The more you dwell on being sad, the more it manifest. Hey, you're alive... that's something to be happy about.
Think like u have a something to do 30 yearz from now.

So u can forget about being depress.

but u can't.

Just try not to be.

Totally involve yourself in there for the sick, the lonely, the homeless, the hurting. When you are helping others your own problems seem to disappear and you recieve a great satisfaction of self-worth. Hope you have the energy to actually 'get up and go'!!
We are all prone to bouts of depression.

However, if you have been depressed for 2 weeks or more and/ or have thoughts of suicide or hurting others, then you need to go see a therapist.
Healthy eating (lots of omega 3 and wholegrains)
Exercise 3 times a week
I dont think you do, you learn to live with it, I have suffered since was 16 and am now 30 and only just getting help. I take 2 types of medication and have 1 2 1 cognative therapy, and still have bad days. Holding down a full time job and an online business and having a boyfriend I love helps give me somthing to keep going for. Lots of great books about that will help too. Good luck.
One of the things us people with depression do is .nothing. We sit around looking at the walls and have not interest in anything.

A very wise old man told me to just get off my butt and start doing things. I had to make a list of things I wanted to do in my house; chores, wash the care, mow the lawn, etc., etc. By doing SOMETHING, we get out of ourselves and it helps our moods. When you don't have anything more to do, go for a bike ride, contact a friend to hang out with, help family with things around the house, etc. The number one thing is to take care of yourself. Make sure you eat right and regularly. Brush your teeth. Take a shower. Dress nicely and do your hair. All of these help our blue mood and help bring us out again.

I know how this feels and really wish you well.
Find a good psychiatrist, don't do like I did and depend on your regular doctor. They just don't know as much as psychiatrists do. You may have more than just depression and it would take a psychiatrist to diagnosis it.
I had a really awful spell of depression a little while ago. I really wouldn't wish it on anyone. It completely wore me out and I couldn't stop crying. I kept the TV on all night and slept on the sofa for a while (so it would be like having a bit of company) and I used to drink loads and loads and loads of orange squash. I think it must have been the sugar in it or something. After a while, I started to get tiny bits where I would feel happy or smile ( I was so releaved to smile or feel a tiny bit happy). After that, the tiny bits of happiness got to bigger bits of happiness and I started to completely re-build my life. It takes time but be patient with yourself. If you don't feel up to something, don't let anyone push you. I was on anti-depressants too but I found they made me feel like rubbish.
ive suffered with it almost all my life- i dont think you ever overcome it-ive resigned myself to the fact that it may always be there in the background but the way i handle it is what counts-no doubt about it keeping busy works better than anything-you just fill your time with anything whether it be a hobby/work/exercise and keep at it. you wont have time to be depressedp- believe me time doing nothing-especially on your own is your worst enemy-good luck hun x
Depression be caused by a number of different reasons. Medical, mental, life style, diet, relationships. You got to know the cause of the problem before you can figure out how to change your situation. A good phyciatrist can help you figure out the cause. You don't have to be "nuts" to get a mental checkup every now and then.

I like to hang with friends.
I found it helpful to try to stick to a daily routine. Routine is our friend, it keeps us going without having to think too much which is a great help with depressive illness.

It may seem counter-intuitive because you lose some freedom in your day-to-day activity but in the long run you are actually more free to worry about things you can actually change.

Good luck and keep at it, you can get through it!
Jo, wish i could talk to you face to face. I have suffered more than anyone from depression , it has completely controlled every moment of my life. When i was about 2 i used to cry because i was too scared to die and be buried. All stemmed from that.There are no tips to overcome it, medication only blanks it. I would love to give you flowers but depression aint that easy, im in the biggest **** ever right now but its becoming the norm, good luck, x x x
get OUT if you don't feel like brushing your hair or dressing up well don't just take a walk to the local park or wasteland or out into your garden if you have one take a thermos cup of tea or coffee and just feel the fresh air and don't let any negative thoughts enter your mind it is amazing how good it feels good luck i have had depression most of my life and this works for me and it don't cost a Penny and you don't have to talk to people try this for a few days but go see your doctor as they will help my thoughts will be with you let us know how you get on p,s, hnd just to get you started here is some hugs and kisses OOOXXX
There are many good website on the net here are a couple of links to get you started.;...
Pray, do give more details else we go into wrong directions. How long have you been sufferring? Some of your reactions, feelings?Depressed over what matters? Or is it you were just feeling "sad" during the past few days because of a relatively minor incident? Way to go!

Looking forward to your quick response!

Tips for lonliness?

i get lonely very easily, and i feel bad when i call up my best friend every 5 minutes because i am alone. i also seem to get into this very negative melancholy mood when i am all alone, does anybody have any ideas for something i can do when im home aloe and become a lil depressed?
The books of David Burns, MD, are an excellent resource, including Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, and Intimate Connections. The second of these two is specific to dating, the first is general to depression, anxiety, melancholia, et cetera. His books are available on and usually very inexpensive if bought used.
Find some hobbies. Immersing yourself in your misery will not do much, only make you feel more depressed about it.
The best thing is to try something like getting a hobby or a pet. Even getting involved in activities in your community will help too. Good Luck!
Yes hobbies are a good idea. Reading is good as it takes time, you live the lives of others vicariously and of it is an engaging book you feel the characters are real, and your friends. It will also enrich you and make you feel better about yourself and your world. Also have you considered a pet?
Stop searching for something to save you from yourself.
Hmm. Well try not to focus on the fact that no one is around. You can always take a walk, read a good book, listen to music, watch a funny movie and/or anything that you like to do to keep yourself from feeling lonely. Im not sure how old you are but no matter there are plenty of things you can do!
Read and enrich your life.

Learn to cook

Write or start a blog, and express yourself, start online scrapbooking hobby

Time to finally see a therapist or what is the difference?

Okay, first thing is first. I've had a combo of low self esteem my entire life as well as other things. For example, I remember I was mad at my brain for communicating too many ideas. Now it seems that's migrated to my uterus. :| Other issues include, not satisfied with gender (on occasion,) general frustration, I suppose the typical feelings of never quite achieving enough, even though I have successfully reached a number of my goals. It is one of those things that comes and goes, but I do know that I have difficulty acknowledging my feelings as appropriate or inappropriate in certain cases. I've also had anxiety attacks before, but this is sporadic but has reoccurred for years.

Anyway, I was wondering if a therapist would be able to help me lessen such feelings and such? I've made progress myself, but I think I'd like help and ready for it. Would there be anything special I would look for or anyone have personal experience in seeing such a person could share said experience? Thanks.
We all have occasional downs. As they say, one out of every three years will be bad, and taking this into account helps keep some things in perspective, and know that the bad times will pass, and better days will, no doubt, show up at some point.
It is up to you to decide if the frequency of your frustration is too much to take or not. Try to coolly evaluate whether your feelings are associated with particular occurrences, or just come to you out of the blue... Are you somatizing things that happen in your life, or do you have abrupt mood swings?
It takes little effort to try a therapist or psychiatrist out, if you feel you may get any comfort from them, and it's definitely better to see how it goes than to sit and wonder.
Good luck.
Yes, a therapist might be helpful. You need to find one you can trust. If you have insurance that covers this, find out which clinic is your provider, and arrange for an initial consultation. If you feel comfortable with the person, keep going. If you do not, ask for someone else.

Good luck.
I would think a therapist could be quite helpful for you. I would seek a therapist who had experience with somatization disorder or related things. I really do think talking to someone in detail and depth would be helpful for you. I'm glad that you've made some progress on your own, and wish you the best of luck.
See anxiety and stress at on pages 6, and 7; the self esteem websites on page 2; read that page, and page 1, on therapist locators, and closely examine the 1-800-therapist website.

Throwing The Chips In Too Early?

Ever since I was in the 4th grade I always knew that I would never have a boyfriend or any type of male friends. That conviction was so strong and I never knew where it came from. Over the years its manifested itself and now thats exactly what has happened to me.

I'm 19 yrs old and I've never had a boyfriend. I don't feel normal. I feel like something is wrong with me and I find it really strange that a little 4th grader could feel that way.

Every other girl I know who's my age and a couple years younger has a man and I don't.

Why did I feel that way when I was younger and why am I still without a man?
I am a strong believer of what we put out to the universe it gives back to us. If your telling the universe and the world you will never have a boyfriend, it is possible that is what you intended all along.

Try and change your thinking. If it is a boyfriend you want, then focus positive thoughts on that.
You have to change your thinking. That's all there is to it. I never dated in high school, except once. I always thought of myself as ugly, nothing special, and not really worthy of male attention. Now, I have learned to change my thinking. I am attractive to who ever I want to be. I am worth attention, and that even though I am not in a relationship at this time, it does not make me less of a woman, or a person. I know you may get mad at me, but have you ever thought that maybe you might be bi or lesbian? There is nothing wrong with that either. It's just a suggestion.
You should definitely change that belief about yourself at once. That may be what's holding you back. Realize that you CAN have a good man, and that you're a beautiful person, and that should help.
I think that we create our own destiny by the beliefs we hold. If you believe that you will never be intimate with a man, then its highly likely that you won't be. Ask yourself this question, " Do I really WANT to befriend or date a man?" If not, why not?
Start analyzing yourself and your true feelings and deal with them one at a time. You might find out something about yourself.
Hey calm down ( : You will find a boyfriend.
My friend (who's about 20) also nvr really had a boyfriend until now. She goes out w him alot and they go almost everywhere. The other day I asked her if she still likes him as much as she used to and she answered ''even more''..
My point is calm down. You''l find someone special soon.

And have you ever try to approach a guy you like?? If not you should try.

Btw you can email me if you want...

Throat tightening?

Hi, I suffer extremely bad panic attacks. The other day i was in the cinema and I suddenly felt really dizzy. Then, my heart was pounding and i actually felt like my throat was closing! I could hardly swallow and i was scared beyond belief. Has anyone had a similar side effect from panic and is it life threatening? Cos when this happens i feel like i am going to die! Thanks
Go to a doctor.
Throat tightening is a part of the anxiety attacks. I strongly suggest you read about how to help yourself deal with them and seek out professional help with a counselor in talk therapy.

You can control those symptoms by self-talk; understand that what you are thinking is irrational and begin to tell yourself that everything is fine. You can do more, I suggest you find out what is best for you.
I used to suffer terrible panic attacks the shaking was uncontrolable but the throat tightening was awful and I thought I would throw up in front of eveyone....just remember to to take huge deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth...this will also help to relax you just do it very slowly with your eyes shut so nothing distracts you! good luck...try to pinpoint the start of the attacks and deal with the issue...this in the long term will decrease the attacks I have not had one for years now..touch wood!
Yes I have. You are not dying, it is not life threatening. It is a common symptom of anxiety and panic attacks. You really should see your GP as there are treatments.
Its a symptom of a panic attack and isnt life threatening - its your bodies fight or flight reaction to a situation!
It isn't life threatening, although you could pass out from it. If you did pass out you would start to breath automatically.

You do however need to see your doctor as he/she will be able to offer you some treatment.

Good luck
yeah its definitly a symptom of panic attacks and not life threatening i suffer from this.go to your doctors and ask him to refer you to a councillor they can realy help.panick attacks are horrible things to have to deal with and i have the greatest sympathy for you,hopefuly one day they will subside.good luck
How much water do you drink? How often do you eat? Sounds like you could have some dehydration. Drinking soda is not a substitute to water. Also, you probably need to eat better. What is your diet like? Do you eat enough protein and leafy greens?
Yes I get this.

When I feel like this I take deep breaths and keep telling myself that I'm OK, nothing's going to happen, it's fine.
If possible I get myself away from the situation I'm in untill I can breath easily again.
If I can't get myself away from it, I close my eyes (again if the situation I'm in makes that possible) and try to calm down.
If I'm with someone who I can tell I let them know what's going on and they can try and help me calm down.

Thoughts of suicide?

Hello, I have a question. Before I ask it I just wanted to say I am not suicidal. Okay here is my question. I fight with my sister often. When the arguments get intense I get so hurt I get thoughts of suicide. I am way too much of a coward to do it also I like myself too much. I want to know if anyone had any advice to help me not think of it when I get hurt.
You should seek some sort of professional help to help you learn how to cope with your sister's attitude. If you can't do that, you need to start speaking with your sister and let her know the way you feel. You also need to learn to fight fair when you fight with her. For example, watch the name calling (so hard to do at times when you are really angry or upset and can be verbally abusive); don't bring up stuff from the past (don't hold onto things, it is unhealthy both physically and emotianally); say what you mean, mean what you say; when the fight is over, don't dwell on it or hold grudges (another hard one at times)- when the fight is dont let it go. If she can't abide by this, or learn how to do this and you can, you are more emotionally healty than her.

Keep your chin up- things change when you get older.
Think of the affect on those around you. You don't sound like a bad person, and I would feel I cheated those around me if I wan't there for them. And one other thing.

There is no comming back, it would be the most final ever choise no recourse, no chance to do better. Like fawna said most people have thought about it, but how many questions do you still have to ask?

Life is a good thing, once you get older and don't see your sister so often you'll get along great, I have a twin sister our Teen years were horrific.
I cannot tell you for sure, except to say avoid alcohol and canabis. They are both powerful depressants
most people have had thoughts of suicide...but im not touching that with a 10 ft stick.
maybe you should try to avoid fighting with your sister if possible. if she is the one instigating it, then she is the one with the issues. just remember that suicide is NEVER the answer. if you start thinking about it try talking to someone or take a few moments to calm down. stay strong
I would strongly encourage you to find a mentor/counselor to talk to when these thoughts come up. Make sure this is someone you can trust who will not dismiss your hurts. You are not alone try Also, most people don't really want to end their lives, just their pain, breath deep, and try a hobby like sports ot journaling to blow off steam, but for sure consider counseling with a professonal to find ways to deal with the hurt. Lots of people struggle with this. Best wishes!

This website scares me, people have died taken the medicines I do.?
there is a risk taking any medication, even tylenol or aspirin carry inherent risk. As long as you take your medications as prescribed, then you have little to fear. It is those that abuse their meds or do not take them appropriately, or do not call their doctor when they experience a change in their status that run into trouble.
Every medicine has potential for horrible side effects. Your doc determines if the benefit out weighs the risk. If you're uncomfortable taking the doc %26 tell him. Maybe he can give you something with less possible side effects. You have to be your own advocate. Educate yourself about whatever disease is being treated %26 what the outcome would be left untreated.
Well, every medical practice contains some risk. The problem I had with this website is that it doesn't list their credentials. Who are they and how do we know that they know what they're talking about? I think the best thing that you can do is talk to your doctor. He/she is the best source for good, reliable information. Obviously, the benefits to you outweigh the risks.
Dear Mama...unfortunately people have died taking something as simple as aspirin. Everyone's body reacts differently to medication but the benefits outweigh the risks in most cases. The important thing is to keep an open dialogue with your physician and tell him/her about any unusual feelings or side effects. Some medications demand closer monitoring than others and the patient has to play a role in this by communicating with the doctor. best wishes
the website doesn't list how many people are taking the medicines ... which is probably in the millions ... which would also be a very small percentage of withdrawl symptoms and even death ... i find that reading info on side effect just makes me more worried than i need to be ... and may actually make me think i am having side effects ... talk to your doctor if you are concerned ... they will help you and you can even call a pharmacy and ask questions (even one that doesn't fill your script) ...

This question goes to "Lucijana L" (or anxiety sufferers)?

Hello Lucijana. I read your question about the feeling of "getting crazy". I also suffer from anxiety and last week I got this strong thought that I was going to become crazy. It was really scary. I related it to the anxiety I am suffering. I wanted to know if you have gotten more of this feelings of getting crazy, and how have you managed to prevent this to happen again. (Anyone else that have a useful answer is welcome)
I have nightmares of being crazy too. I've had anxiety my whole life and I'm always anxious and nervous. I've recently gotten help for my problems and now taking meds. I'm just always worried that nothing will help and I'll eventually be crazy. I just want to be normal again. Thank god I finally went to my doctor recently and am now receiving help.
I take Topamax for my PD (Panic Disorder) which is a type of anxiety disorder. It works pretty well.
I am on Wellbutrin and occasional Ativan to ward off my anxiety disorder, or panic disorder. My ex left me last August and I realy think I lost my mind for a while. I felt like I was trying to crawl out of my own skin. i had panic attacks, crying fits, anger, sadness and depression..all rolled into one.

The meds have helped with a little therapy and positive reinforcement from family and friends. You also have to have the ability to reason with yourself to know when you are moving into one of these episodes.

Hopeit works out ok and hope my answer will help you. Good luck!

This morning I tripped over my cordless phone, why am I so stupid?

I did something far worse. Last night while my mother-in-law was sleeping I snuck in and shaved off her annoying mustache. When I saw a belly button, I realized I had done the wrong end.
you're not stupid, you're just a blonde... of course, sometimes that can mean the same thing... hehe JK!!

i am a brunette and that is totally something i would do! ;) were you calling someone to get their phone number?
the world may never know
Because you live in Florida!

Only kidding.
'cause yar.
cuz u were born like that!!
well mathew..may i call you mathew? all started in 19dickety2..the wirless phone cam out from the factory and those with the audacity to buy one did...then this new technology came to us regular people..we now enjoy the privledge of losing the cordless phone after everytime we lose it

In conclusion those cordless phones are trickey little devils
I agree with the Florida answer. I live in Florida and do that on a constant basis, tripping over cordless phones and wireless network cables. It really is a bummer. I've lived here 20 years and it started about a year after we moved here. Must be something in the water.
whoa, whoa, whoa! hold up! u r so not stupid!! i mean just becuz you trip on a cordless phone u automatically think your stupid? tht is sad!! i have done that to but im just a clutz! maybe you r to and that is ok! YOU R NOT STUPID!
Because last night was Friday and you went out with your friends, drank too much and when you got home you picked up your cordless, decided you had to go pee, put the phone on the floor, went pee and then decided you would go to bed. This morning, you didn't remember you even remember you put the cordless on the floor and tripped over it.
Hahahaha! One time I tripped over nothing! LOL! It was great cuz I was on the phone with my dad. I didn't drop the phone andI didn't miss a word! My mom was there and she couldn't stop laughing...
So enough about myself...
Iguess everyone has a couple stupid days! LMAO!
how can you trip over the cord.hence CORDLESS...unless you meant the cord that goes from the base into the phone jack, then hey we all do that
I don't think you are stupid! I have done the same thing myself. Our cordless phone is downstairs on its charger but is old and starts to beep almost immediately. I have to run up the stairs holding the phone until I can grab the good phone. I wind up leaving the cordless in the hallway to remind me to take it back downstairs.

Ummm... guess what? Very soon...SPLAT!
I tripped over my own shoelace it front of 100 people today at the park. THAT is stupid.

And then, when I went to go get dinner, I tripped over my trashcan which is in the corner of my room.

So, you're not stupid, I am.

This might soung stupid but what can i do to keep myself from stressing too much?

i want to know how i can deal with stress and how i can prevent it from happening,
if u have any tips, please tell me, i would appreciate it
There are three practical things you can do. First, use a journal. Getting all your worries on paper really helps. Second, make a list of your concerns and prioritize them; having a list is a comfort. Third, make it your mantra: "I'm doing the best I can." Say that over and over. The world will not fall apart if you don't get to something; you are only one person, and your efforts do mean a lot.
Concentrate on breathing deeply. Eat well. Be grateful.
to deal with stress, find an outlet that allows you to relax or not think about what ever is making you stressed, for example, running really helps relax and clear the mind. i don't think you could really prevent stress but just try to organize and break stuff down so it doesn't seem too overwhelming.
Stop THINKING that everything will be stressful and too difficult to handle - instead, think of some things as a challenge. Also, get rid of things in your life that can be stressors but are completley unnecessary.
Get lots of sleep, eat very well, no caffeine or sugar. Exercise everyday. Try to learn how to do deep breathing exercises they really work.
you sit yourself down, close your eyes, and take deep long breathes. This slows down your heart rate. Stress in general - a sign you should take more breaks during the day to relax.
The best way to prevent (or lessen) stress is to be prepared. If deadlines at work are stressing you out, make sure you're organized and don't procrastinate. Learn how to prioritize so that the most important tasks get finished on time.

You can also lessen stress by not worrying. When you think of something to worry about it, write it down (but don't worry about it then). You can then allocate a few minutes a day to read over your list and worry. That way, your worries won't creep into the rest of the day and stress you out. And try not to worry about things you can't change; it's a waste of energy.

The best way to deal with stress is to realize what is really important. In other words, don't treat every problem as if it's life and death. A good way to do this is to ask yourself, "Will this be important to me in a year? Or next week?"
for short term stuff try stress balls (also known as squishy balls) u just squeeze them... like if u feel like punching some1 or something u just squish them... some places have different 'resistance' levels... if that makes sense... ( like harder or easier to squish)
Some physical things can cause a type of consciousness change that can relieve stress. That can include heating yourself up (in a sauna or hot tub, doing exercise that increases your temperature), increasing the elasticity of your lungs (usually using breathing maneuvers) or speeding up your circulation (doing exercise is best but caffine can work too). Good luck.
don't think a lot about the things that make you stressed, focus on breathing, and maybe read a good book if you start to stress out. it'll get your mind off everything :)
I struggle with stress too. When I realize what all is stressing me, I try to just take one thing at a time. I don't see it as something that stresses me. I see it as a brief challenge. Of course, there are the things that stress us that we can't control. For those things, I try to tell myself I'm stressing precious years off my life. I pray, exercise until I reach my limit, and write. I write on my Yahoo 360 page, I keep a journal I write in鈥? I find it鈥檚 good therapy. It鈥檚 an outlet when it seems like no one else cares.

This isn't much of a question and it's stupid but?

um how do you know if your meds are working? i've been taking lexapro for 17 days and i'm supposed to see my psychiatrist in a few days to see how i'm doing. but i haven't done any therapy and i haven't changed my lifestyle at all :( so how do i know if they're working? i'm so embarrassed. i don't know what i should tell him. i've been feeling suicidal so i guess they aren't working but the first 5 days i felt hyper..
I felt hyper the first few days too. I actually felt like i was tripping but with no visuals. Then i just kind of mellowed out. Which was followed by a zombie-like state. I mean, I was functioning, but i really got zero enjoyment out of life and I felt my like i had zero creative energy. I've been off of it for about 4 months now and still need some sort of anti-depressant/anti-psychotic but I don't think it will be Lexapro. There are hundreds of different "happy-pills" out there and one that may be just right for you. It does take a while for these SSRI's to work so give it a bit and if it doesn't work for you ask your doc about trying something else. Wellbutrin maybe. Hang in there
just tell him how you feel...he will be able to see if you changed.tell him that you still feel may need to change to another medicine, although i heard antidepressants sometimes take months to work.
sometimes it takes a couple months for anti-depressants to kick in. be up front with your psych or there's no point in going to one at all. or the meds either.
Your body became immune to the pills. making you feel suicidal again. tell this to your psychiatrist and he'll probably prescribe you to a different medicine.
I had the same problem. Just tell him that it helped for a few days, but now you're feeling horrible again. He'll understand.
It took about 30 days for lexapro to kick in for me. Tell your doc how you feel. He'll know what to do.
relax all takes time.. listen to your favorite for me...hope it works for you...x
This type of medications take an average of 4 weeks to see some improvement but if you are feeling suicidal call your psychiatrist immediately because it could be a side effect. Don't be embarrassed you are the patient and have the right to ask all the questions you have is more than a right is your responsibility because you deserve to feel better and enjoy life. Please call your psychiatrist soon, and good luck to you.
It's hard to tell if an antidepressant has kicked in. I know that when I started taking Lexapro (advised my by therapist) I stopped getting as nit-picky about things and didn't cry as much. Otherwise I felt the same. My aunt was taking it for her heart because she couldn't sleep. I still have sleeping problems, so I know that Lexapro isn't working on that for me.

Tell your psychiatrist that it isn't working. No need to be embarrassed because not all drugs work on everyone the same way. Maybe you need a higher dose or something entirely different. Good luck!
Unfortunately psychiatry is not an exact science. The way that you are treated, is to try a medication, see if it works. If not the dosage or meds is changed. It took my shrink six months to find the right prescription and that is about normal

This is worthless?

I'm not any good. My little brother HATES me and the rest of my family ignores me. I just wish I could do something right for once. I have been going through a really hard time. I hurt myself as in cut myself. and I wonder why I'm even here. I am worthless. The day I do something right is when I kill myself. and that day is today! I can finally DO SOMETHING RIGHT FOR ONCE.
You are not worthless. It seems you really need someone to talk too. Someone who won't judge you. If you ever need to talk you can e-mail me at I am willing to listen if your willing to talk.
I know that's how it feels, but honestly, it wouldn't be right, and your brother and the rest of family would be totally gutted. And it would be too late. You wouldn't be around to realise that they do care for you in fact. They obviously don't really understand you and 'get' who you are, or at the least, that's how you feel, but that doesn't mean they don't care.

There are no simple ways to get through this and I am not going to give you a simple solution because there isn't one. As you apparently live at home, I am guessing that you are under 18, and so you can't just go out and find a psychotherapist for yourself. Is there a counsellor at your school? If so, go to see her/him. Failing that, are you in the UK? Contact Connexions and see if you can get some help through that route. If nothing else, try to find an online community. And talk to your friends, if at all possible.

I wish I could help you more directly, but I am quite certain that you are not worthless. I say this because, as a psychotherapist, I've worked with quite a few young people who have felt worthless but have so obviously been extremely worthwhile, interesting, caring, and with all sorts of excellent qualities that have been just overwhelmed by the situation they're in. Please, don't do anything rash - I so want you to have the adult life you could have, to endure whatever is happening now.
your little brother cant reeeally hate you,,
family love is unconditionable =]
you can do lots of things right i bet =P
yjust talk it all out,
i understand all about cutting..
killing yourself isnt a good idea..
just to people..

This is weird but someone explain its plaging my mind?

Ok heres the situation. As all civilised human beings no that eberthing on this planet was made by God ok. My querie is hydrochloric acid turco amphetamine benzodiazepams ect ect all that weird crap. Well if there a illicit substance and are dangerous chemicals which no doubt they are. But where do scientists get the actual ingredients from a tree? A tortises scrotum skin, the left ball of a bif red roo a plant donkey urine....... could go on what ya guys think to me if it's availble on earth then god vreated it hence its natural substances
Hi there,
yes a lot of chemicals and medicines are derived from the natural world...after all thats how penicillan was discovered!!
Warferine which is a blood thinner is derived from the enzymes of a pigs intestines!
But now a lot of things are synthesized and are artificial ..
There are lots of medications made from wierd stuff and they do not wish us to know either because some people would freak or because people could use the natural alternative original things quite easily..after all how do you get rid of a nettle sting?? use dock leaf which will be growing near by..
Knowledge is also power and they are scared that we as people will learn these things...
We have things made by the earth or god if thats your belief has provided us with these things to use...
I am not saying one shouldn't go to see the doctors or use modern medicine as it has created some great things and provided many cures..but we must remember or learn where this came from and take a proactive approach to our health and well being...not all people can be "Cured" by meds alone
Namaste xx thank you for a great Question :0)
Hope there are more people like you out there!
Always Question things!!!
take two aspirins and call your doctor in the morning .
I think people like you are the reason things like what you're asking are kept hidden.

Various chemicals are extracted from various substances.

That should sufficiently answer your question.

This is the question i really want to know: Have you ever in your life felt sillier than you do right now?

No nver, i feel like an absolute idiot I have never felt more ashamed and sad and silly than I do now as I have spent the last 6 months being an absolute idiot and i hate who i have changed into, and you?
Yes I have.
Considering I'm in a bad mood I can safely say I have felt much sillier than I do right now.

but your question did cheer me up a bit thanks!
Many times I have felt way sillier than I do at this moment.
yes, but i got meat to grind and it's fun time. since whenever it has been, i have built quite the human hill, with eyes and all. 25234493644289318922932217729.

This is kinda important?

I get really bad suicidal thoughts and i use like razor blades since my gf left me and try to talk to a counciler and parents they just dont understand me what should i do??
Sweetie, I can understand how you feel because one of my family members had suicidal thoughts. Sweetie, please do not commit suicide. The first thing that I want you to do is talk to someone like a close family member or a really close friend that you can trust. If you do not have anyone to turn to, I want you to call these hot lines and look at these websites that can get you help and support. Here they are:

1) 800-SUICIDE:800-784-2433
2) 1-800-SUICIDE
4) 1-800-999-999 (Suicide %26 Crisis Center Hotlines)


If these resources above do not help you, please call 911 or seek another counselor and a psychiatrist. They can help you with your recovery and ease the emotional and physical pain. Just remember to keep everybody's answers in mind and know that there is hope out there. If you need anything, please go to and type in another question because I bet everybody would love to help you! I hope you get better real soon! I will make sure to pray for you every night!
Try to distract yourself and those negative thoughts with positive and entertaining hobbies. It wouldn't hurt to find a new girlfriend too. Just relax and try to take the days one by one.
Tell your parents that you want to go to the doctor, right away. When you're at the doctor tell them you've been feeling suicidal and ask for a referral to a psychologist.

If that doesn't work you need to go to the ER and tell them you want to kill yourself. They'll help you.

Also, have you tried slapping a rubber band against your wrist? It's not as strong of a sensation as the blades, but it's pretty close and you're not harming yourself.
go take out ur frustrations at the gym.
thats what i did. sooner or later, things turn up. plus, i got all toned n chisseled. it was great.
goodness you need to seek medical help immediately. cutting is bad and it will only get worse unless you get help.
first, i think you should seek a counselor, 2nd, I think it is sad when someone cannot get through one of life's common problems, and yes serious to you , but you don't commit suicide over a person leaving you. You were born for a reason, do you know how many thousands of sperm fight to be born, and only one, or two as in twins, ect, make it?; so get back up, pull yourself together, get interested in something other than a companion at this time, and show the world what you are here to do!!!!
Do things that make you happy.Forget about your ex your not the only thats gotten dumped.I used to have a girlfriend that i was in love with for almost a year then she just left me for some other guy,but i didnt let it bother me she was the one that missed out.or u cud get a new girlfrend theres plenty of girls out there that wud date u.just dont let things like losing a gf get you down its happend to alot of time you'll get over it.hope this helped.
If ur like me when u tell people that u need help and cant find it anywhere else i come to my computer and find help like on im on here like all day and i go to this website too to talk to people that have problems just like mine check that site out and roam around.
You had a good life before the GF didn't you?
She is not what gave you your life. Talk to your friends, do some things that YOU like to do. and before long you will realize that she didn't mean that much to you anyway. But don't punish yourself because of her. There are a lot worse things in life than losing a GF. You have your health, you have your parents (even if you don't think they "understand you".) In other words you have family, they will always be there for you, girlfriends come and go. The right one will come along. Meantime enjoy the other people in your life and PLEASE get professional help for the cutting.
Throw the razors in the damn trash.
Many parents don't understand what it's like to feel with such VOLUME. Mine didn't. It was hard.
Suicide is a reality when folks like us get 'there'.
But you can't do it. You can't give in.
Choose Faith, not Fear.
Hope. There's always Hope and that's something that you'll learn. You must NEVER give up.
I am 37 years old now. I've made it this far. You can too.
Call one of the suicide hotlines these good people have posted.
Those folks on the other end GET IT!
Peace to you tonight, and hope.

This is gonna sound kinda weird but...?

i am really really pissed at myself right now and i really dont want to say y, all i'm gonna say is i did some stuff that i didn't think much of at the time, and then unexpectedly my friend told me how much it bothered him. is there anything i can do that could make me forget about it? and it is late so please, no one say "hang out w/ some friends" or anything like that. i already told my friend how sorry i am.
thx!! %26lt;3
Well, it's hard to answer a question with no explanation. So, I can assume a million things with what you just said and have different solutions for each one. I guess you have to open up to someone or just figure out the trouble yourself. Good luck.
What you need is a good old fashioned distraction.

Write poetry, play on the internet, paint, draw, read a book, work a puzzle, exercise, anything to take your mind off your problems.
Instead of trying to forget about it (which won't work) you just need to forgive yourself. You know, it's okay to make mistakes! No one is perfect. In the big scheme of your life, this is not the biggest or worst event.

Try to relax and as you breathe in slowly thru your nose think, "Oh well..."
And as you breathe out slowly think, "So what..."

Keep breathing in and out slowly thru your nose thinking, "Oh well...So what."

You have my permission to make mistakes as you go thru life, LOL! We all make them.

Try apologizing.Then do better.The guilt will make you think next time.We all do things we regret.Its part of life and growing up.
Its better u dont forget such things. However do stop recalling and remembering all those stuff that makes u feel guilty. Its best to always remember a mistake so that u do not repeat it ever again. Learn from ur mistakes, it really really helps.
If you contributed to your friend's friend's death, well gosh I would feel guilty.

But if you wrote a nice tribute or something, that is cool. Not sure how far you went. Even if people don't know someone, sometimes a person can touch someone's life that we don't even know like let's say a fallen soldier, or the old lady down the street... whatever may be the reason.

Ask God to forgive you, and that person then all will be well.
Read a book, watch a movie, watch TV, exercise, or sleep!

This depression is not fixable..?

I returned from overseas 6 months ago and have bene depressed ever since chopping and changing jobs, looking at houses but not taking them, i was depressed returning as i left a lot behind and returned to ahome that i no longer liked, now it has been 6 months, i just want to be happy how i was with a routine that i like and the amount of friends that i had, but because i have now been depressed for 6 months and not really seen them for 18 months, they ahve all moved on, so the routine that i like and friends and family no longer want to be around me, i dont have any job prospects and i dont want to stay where i am living, had i returned from overseas and not procrastinated going back or just got a job straight away adn settled noone of this would have happened but now i have just completely stuffed everyuthing and i dont see anything that is going to fix it, if i go back overseas it wont be the same, home is not the same, but i dont want to be unhappy foever, what can i do?
It sounds like you really do need to see your doctor or therapist about something for depression. Your symptoms are normal for a big change like that and it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone. Once youget help for the depression, maybe you can se things alittle clearer, and then making a decision about a job or where to live would come easier. Hope that helps.
I'd go back anyway. You'll make new friends like you did the first time. You seem to be saying you were happier ther so go live your life how you would want it - Happy!
You won't be unhappy forever. You are just going through a rough spot. If you are really down, you might be wise to invest in a counsellor just to help talk through the feelings you are having, and the therapist would tell if you started to develop a more serious depression.
You need to be outgoing, join a group that might interest you, and meet other people. TRUST me you are not the only person who feels alone and uprooted. I hope you find a new job soon, that will do a lot to help. Meanwhile, make your own routine, including taking care of yourself with exercise and eating right.
Know what? Almost everybody experiences some kind of depression every now and then. But, majority of those people would rather concentrate on moving on to enjoy what life has to offer. Pls remember that each second you spend on being unhappy and sulking is wasted and cannot be brought back again. So go out there, start a new day! I'm sure you'll be happy, not tomorrow, not later but today! :)
See depression treatments and resources at on page 2, and USE THEM! Take up voluntary work, to give you direction and purposeful activity, which will stop you focusing on yourself and your problems. You can add it to your CV, and mention it to potential employers, and get references from those organisations. When you feel a bit better, throw a party, and invite former friends. See (/blog/2007/05/21/20) (/20/-procrastination-hacks/).
It IS fixable! You could see a doctor and ask to be prescribed an anti-depressant, like PAXIL, it really works. Or you could do things that help others in need. Helping people in need is the best anti-depressant ever! Do things that will make you feel good about yourself!! Bad times are always temporary. Your best days are still ahead!!
all depression is fixable follow ur gut instict and go with the flow find it where ever you are happy n go there
depression can be treated...but i'm not sure if it can ever be cured.i've suffered from depression and i may again, once you're in that kind of state of sadness it's very hard to get out of as i understand.for some help go to your doctor and see if you can be put on medication.and maybe some therapy.
Whoa! take a deep breath...

Don't dwell on the things you have no control over. You cannot drag friends/family back. If you hate the place you're at, find out how you can move. I think I'm in a similar situation as yours: move home from overseas, delayed getting a job because of my dad's poor health (and my own wasn't tip-top either) and now I can't get a job because I have no recent references and the gap in my resume looks awful (THREE YEARS!). But I try to stay optimistic. There are still things for me to fix up here (after my dad died. Stuff I couldn't attend to because of my own illness, and which my incompetent brother has made a mess of ...), but I remain optimistic. I dream of the places I'd like to be (France!), and do what I can to make it more possible (teaching myself French over the internet).

No, things won't be the same, but new friends, new job -- think of it as a new adventure. Go ahead and move overseas, nothing is holding you back.

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