Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is kinda important?

I get really bad suicidal thoughts and i use like razor blades since my gf left me and try to talk to a counciler and parents they just dont understand me what should i do??
Sweetie, I can understand how you feel because one of my family members had suicidal thoughts. Sweetie, please do not commit suicide. The first thing that I want you to do is talk to someone like a close family member or a really close friend that you can trust. If you do not have anyone to turn to, I want you to call these hot lines and look at these websites that can get you help and support. Here they are:

1) 800-SUICIDE:800-784-2433
2) 1-800-SUICIDE
4) 1-800-999-999 (Suicide %26 Crisis Center Hotlines)


If these resources above do not help you, please call 911 or seek another counselor and a psychiatrist. They can help you with your recovery and ease the emotional and physical pain. Just remember to keep everybody's answers in mind and know that there is hope out there. If you need anything, please go to and type in another question because I bet everybody would love to help you! I hope you get better real soon! I will make sure to pray for you every night!
Try to distract yourself and those negative thoughts with positive and entertaining hobbies. It wouldn't hurt to find a new girlfriend too. Just relax and try to take the days one by one.
Tell your parents that you want to go to the doctor, right away. When you're at the doctor tell them you've been feeling suicidal and ask for a referral to a psychologist.

If that doesn't work you need to go to the ER and tell them you want to kill yourself. They'll help you.

Also, have you tried slapping a rubber band against your wrist? It's not as strong of a sensation as the blades, but it's pretty close and you're not harming yourself.
go take out ur frustrations at the gym.
thats what i did. sooner or later, things turn up. plus, i got all toned n chisseled. it was great.
goodness you need to seek medical help immediately. cutting is bad and it will only get worse unless you get help.
first, i think you should seek a counselor, 2nd, I think it is sad when someone cannot get through one of life's common problems, and yes serious to you , but you don't commit suicide over a person leaving you. You were born for a reason, do you know how many thousands of sperm fight to be born, and only one, or two as in twins, ect, make it?; so get back up, pull yourself together, get interested in something other than a companion at this time, and show the world what you are here to do!!!!
Do things that make you happy.Forget about your ex your not the only thats gotten dumped.I used to have a girlfriend that i was in love with for almost a year then she just left me for some other guy,but i didnt let it bother me she was the one that missed out.or u cud get a new girlfrend theres plenty of girls out there that wud date u.just dont let things like losing a gf get you down its happend to alot of time you'll get over it.hope this helped.
If ur like me when u tell people that u need help and cant find it anywhere else i come to my computer and find help like on im on here like all day and i go to this website too to talk to people that have problems just like mine check that site out and roam around.
You had a good life before the GF didn't you?
She is not what gave you your life. Talk to your friends, do some things that YOU like to do. and before long you will realize that she didn't mean that much to you anyway. But don't punish yourself because of her. There are a lot worse things in life than losing a GF. You have your health, you have your parents (even if you don't think they "understand you".) In other words you have family, they will always be there for you, girlfriends come and go. The right one will come along. Meantime enjoy the other people in your life and PLEASE get professional help for the cutting.
Throw the razors in the damn trash.
Many parents don't understand what it's like to feel with such VOLUME. Mine didn't. It was hard.
Suicide is a reality when folks like us get 'there'.
But you can't do it. You can't give in.
Choose Faith, not Fear.
Hope. There's always Hope and that's something that you'll learn. You must NEVER give up.
I am 37 years old now. I've made it this far. You can too.
Call one of the suicide hotlines these good people have posted.
Those folks on the other end GET IT!
Peace to you tonight, and hope.

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