Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Video games makes you retarded?

well my 12 yr old cousin wiggles his hand and starts hopping and move back and forward when he plays video games and when he gets excited and its very unusual and his parents blames the video games so what do you guys think? do you know anyone that does the same thing? oh and srry for my bad english.
def not the video games. Probably just because he gets into it so much and doesnt know what to do.
its common. it doesn't mean hes getting retarded from games, he is just horrible at them. if he had some control he would get around this problem. some people try to get rid of it but their faces can never hide their fear.
No, enless he does it all the time its not the video games
Some video games have been known to cause seizures while playing them. But they don't make you retarded. They can help develop hand eye coordination and be healthy, in moderation. Getting outside to play is important too, but unless the flashing lights are causing seizures, he'll be all right.
Video games do no such thing, but it could be a lack of other activities that he should've been doing instead. Like going outside or socializing. Whatever, he would've been that way, video games or no.
Video games are horrible. I used to play them, and I received headaches while I was playing. I was also very depressed for a time, and spoke to a psychologist, and they asked if I was playing video games, and the answer was yes. To make a long story short I stopped playing video games and very soon after my depression went away. Please tell them to not allow videogames in high amounts, especially violent ones.
I know of video games making people socially retarded - that is - not being able to hold a conversation, or effectively talk to the opposite gender.

I am assuming that this young man is simply getting excited about the games he is playing, which can be a good thing. The only way a game can effect a person is if the person does not have adequate exercise or outside influences such as friends.

Best of luck to you and your cousin!
Video games can cause your adreniline to pump. The right kind of video games is the key. Wholesome games are what I get for my children. These games can actually make you more attentive and have quicker responses. I play racing games and I love Mario Go Cart. My daughter and I had a lady get over in my lane the other day while we were driving down a very treacherous stretch of road. I immediately saw the best way out of the situation and saved both my daughters life and mine. Unfortunately the person that run me off the road kept going. The police officer said I was very lucky I told him I truely had a game plan I really believe my reflexes have been sharpened by these racing games!

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