i whould really like to be a vampire, or a witch and i really dont know why. some days i just feel really evil and i like the taste of blood and i have done alot of vampire and witches searching online but there is nothing to help me become one if it is even possible. do u know how?
Vampirism isn't a great aspiration. Think of the fortune you'll spend on sunblock. And turning into a bat? Who wants guano all over the ol' coffin?? And these days if you bite someone's neck you'll get killed by anyone close enough. You've seen Blade right? Vampires are the easiest things in the world to kill. Sunlight, silver, stakes, viruses, blood diseases, poorly cooked pizza. You name it, a vampire has died from it.
Witchcraft, on the other hand. . . is not inherintly evil. Sorry. If you're interested in Wicca, go here for info :
I doubt it'll be what you expected though. Now, for general evilness I suggest playing violent video games and looking crosseyed at people while you do so.
Becoming a witch or a vampire is a personal choice you make. Its not like they potray it in the movies. You make a choice to become and then you find others who have also made that choice and there you go. http://silverravenwolf.com/ocean/host.ph... %26lt;%26lt; this can help you with your witchcraft issues and help you get started on that road
http://vampires.monstrous.com/how_to_bec... %26lt;%26lt; this I found on a whim and it seems to have some useful information. Hope this helped you!! Good Luck
Neither vampires nor witches are inherently evil. If you are serious about vampirism, look up sanguination. If you are serious about witchcraft try Scott Cunningham's "Guide for the Solitary Practitioner". I would avoid Ravenwolf, I think she is the Goddess of Fluffy Bunnies!
Well, slightlytwisted, you have a slight dilemma.
First off, you could become a witch, but they really aren鈥檛 evil. If fact, most 'witches' will ell you that doing no harm to others is a cardinal rule of the craft.
Second, witchcraft is n more powerful (or real) then the prayers of Christians, Muslims, Jews or any other religious organization.) You don't become a witch, summon a dean and then have them destroy your enemies and bring you their still beating hearts.
Third, although there are groups of people that call themselves vampires and they do drink blood (primarily from willing diners and animals) they are not the super powerful supernatural entities you see I the films. There are just people embracing something they like and think is cool.
What you need to do is find out what about 'evil' you like. Is it the perceived power of doing what you want without with out regard for others? Per haps it's the element of non-conformity. Or maybe you just don鈥檛 know what you like about 'being evil'.
Instead of trying to be a non-conformist by conforming to one of the more prominent dark sub-cultures, what you may want to do is redefine yourself in a more unique manner. Personally, if you were my acolyte, I would recommend the "Eotum Hut'we" The dark retreat. It requires great self-disciple but the rewards are absolutely amazing. If you want to know what you want to know, your practice the dark retreat and you find answers...but be warned, the answers you will find are answers your 'self' wants you to have, not some crazy spiritual mumbo-jumbo message from gods, goddesses or fairies.
I would love to explain the Eotum Hut'we here, but it would take far too much time and space. Perhaps someday I'll publish a paper on the subject. Until then, my I recommend that you spend some serious alone time out in the woods, on the beach (away from other people), in your room, or wherever you go for solitude and think about WHAT you consider evil. Remember that most 'evil' people do not see themselves as evil. So what draws you to evil and what do you consider evil? Once you know that, you'll not only have a better idea of who you are and what you want to do, but a much more clear understanding of what you are all about.
I wish you only the best.
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