Sunday, October 25, 2009

The ppl on my other posting about my cat are making fun and saying mean things about my cat ozzy.?

It REALLY hurts my feelings bc I love ozzy a lot!!! Only answer if u have something nice 2 say!!!
Let it go!It doesnt matter what others think.Just love ozzy!
If you ask something on a public forum, you will receive answers from both thoughtful, intelligent people and rude, mentally deficient people. If you cannot handle both types of answers, get off the website.
you can take the question off.
Your cat is named ozzy?? that is a cool name for a cat... I have a cat named Miracle because I saved him from death 3 times...
My cat is named Ozzie, too, so as far as I'm concerned, your cat is AUTOMATICALLY cool !!
Ignore idiots
i love cats. i love all cats
People are making fun because you are not asking a topic related question. This section is for mental health questions.

If you want to talk about your cat maybe try to post some where else.
I know how you feel. When my cat was dying I asked a question on here to see what I could do about it and some callous idiot put: "Take her to the vet, DUH!" What was worse is that I forgot to choose the best answer and hers was picked by other users!! Some people are just immature or callous. I'm sure Ozzy is a wonderful cat.
Ozzie is a nice name.

I've got Sophia and her boys, The Twins, Bigfoot and Yeti
Hey, if you love your cat, then that's wonderful. Don't let what complete strangers say affect that. Remember that these people don't know you, or the love you have for your cat.

Also, remember that when you go onto a public forum such as this one, you will be openning yourself up to a lot of jerks, as well as really good hearted people. So, unfortunately, you will get people talking bad about something. You just have to ignore them, and focus on the good answers. All the rest are just people trying to be funny, or just being mean. Ignore them.

Enjoy Ozzy, and know full well that I'm sure he loves you.
I agree with the other person that said people are saying mean things because you posted about your cat in the wrong forum (there is one for pets, I believe). I love cats too, but I would have ignored your question here since it's in the wrong category. It happens. And a lot of people are jerks. They could have just said you are in the wrong forum. It can get mean on here sometimes, and you shouldn't post questions if you have a really thin skin right then.

Pet your cat!! And you gotta feed him less, because being fat hurts cats even more than it hurts people. Try feeding him at certain times and measuring his food, and switch him to diet cat food. My cats are still overweight, but much less than before.
It's okay! those ppl are just creul, and if they dont change they will end up in hell. so just dont be like them and ignore it.

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