Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Was just wondering...about life and living?

Does anyone ever wish this were it. I mean that your life could end tomorrow. Seriously, if you look around, and I am generally optimistic, but if you look around, everyone is fighting about something, people are unkind to people, you work yourself to death just to be fired when you are older so that they can hire a younger more "productive" worker, and I was just curious, why bother?
Kid, you need to get yourself a good looking feller, take him off to Tennessee for a few days, and remind yourself of the good things n life.
Oh yes, i know what you are talking about.

You have a depressed mind though. So have i. So have lots of people.

This is what they call a depressed mind anyway - but sometimes i think its just being honest with yourself.

Its all c****. To be honest, if i didn't have to have been born - i wouldn't of.
You sound like my daughter her glass isn't only half empty someone has knocked it over and dropped a cigarette but into it.
Life is great, grab it with both hands. Have a run out to the cemetery and ask yourself, would any of them rather be looking at the wrong side of a flowerbed or standing with you in the fresh air
yes. yes. yes. yes. YES. i want that ALL the time. to be honest actually, i just wish there could be a natural disaster that will just kill everyone fast, and painlessly and put them out of their misery. don't get me wrong i don't want people to die like that, but i hate seeing all the wrong and misery in the world. i guess i just don't appreciate the little stuff as much..but yes. i understand what you mean. why bother with everything? what does it come down to at the end?!
Why do people go to university?

Education is like money.

Serves no purpose when your dead!
i like the idea of living,,,,,,,,,,,, i do find it pointless.... but its still nice.. like i wanna experience things....

you have to take the good with the bad i guess...

i jus dont like the idea of what happens after u die... i mean after living your life.. ther must be something more out ther... after putting so much work into living...

i think i will just live life to the full from now on. take risks. (not life threatning ones) i mean best to say u done what u wanted ......... xxx
I guess we all ask ourselves this many times in a lifetime. I remember when my eldest son was just a boy - a comment he came out with was 'I didn't ask to be born' - it has lived with me ever since. The saying is really true for ALL of us.

So we are here! We are a part of life, including more than humans, and with our so called intelligence, we should realise that everyone else has the potential for or has the same situation. Probably the best thing we can do is to get satisfaction from this sharing, by sharing ourselves with others so that we can all have a more satisfying and comfortable existence. That would be inclusive of so many needs of mankind - and to me, education in all aspects is the answer.
Would there be such thing as good if there was no bad. I mean if there was nothing bad everything would be good, so you cant really say something is good since everything would be the same. Would there be beautiful if there was no ugly? If everyone was beautiful, then everyone would be the same and no one would really be beautiful. That is the balance of nature. You cant have all the positive things. There always has to be something opposite of it to balance it out.

There's always something good hidden behind things that seem bad. If there were no wars or diseases, our already overpopulated world would be even more overpopulated.

"you work yourself to death just to be fired when you are older so that they can hire a younger more "productive" worker" ---%26gt; once you were the "more prodcutive" worker that replaced the old guy. Eveyone needs a turn in life. An old person dies, and a baby is born. It's all about the balance of nature.
yep, wish it would end most of the time. but unlike you, i am totally pessimistic, so that kinda makes sense.
1life live it coz were a long time dead....

Wandering Mind, Restless Nights?

I have been really stressed/really anticipating current events going on in my life, and my mind has been wondering around at night lately, so I can't get to sleep! How do I calm myself down, or help my mind relax?
You need to find a way to stop thinking about things like that at night. I used to have the same problem.

What works for me sometimes is changing my thoughts from something serious to something stupid and meaningless. You could try solving math problems in your head as you fall asleep. Thinking about boring things really does work sometimes.

If you're not opposed to sleeping pills, they really work. You might try a few OTC brands to see if theres one you like. Your doctor can also prescribe some stronger ones if nothing else works.
I know how you feel...you want to control it so bad but it seems like theres nothing you can do...my advise is to tell someone exactly how you feel and im sure they will respect your opinion...good luck

Walking used to be a great way to clear my mind! Why has that Changed?

I used to walk 1 hour 3 times a day-I loved it! I would ponder my days activities, find solutions, plan my days ahead. But my children are grown now and it seems that when I walk, all I do is think about the things I could have done differently, or better, or not at all. Not just with the kids, but with my career and marriage. Thus, I've stopped walking because I don't like dwelling on the past. But I cannot run due to an old knee injury and swimming is not an option in our town. I have a good career and a good life-I've made mistakes like most, nothing earth shattering, but how can I get myself out of that rut? Anyone have any good suggestions for a mental boost?
Sounds like your mind has gotten stronger and not as easily distracted by your walk. My suggestion is to find new sources of distraction while still having your walks which are great exercise. A CD player or MP3 player is probably the easiest. But if you would like even more of a challenge I have to say, for me anyway, iTunes podcasts have become a fabulous way to quickly download tons of interesting topics and shows to my iPod which I take on walks with me. And luckily iTunes is always updating their shows and podcasts so there is always something new to listen to. I know that may be a bit hard if you don't own a iPod but I think you can find them used on eBay and Craigslist.
too stressed out
Treat yourself!!

Go shopping and get a manicure or something!

I found that the only way to snap out of a rut like that is to try something new. I found out that I LOVE cardio kickboxing--so maybe if walking is giving you too much time to think about the past then you should switch it up. Maybe get some workout DVDs or something and start out that way. Try yoga maybe?
Find a friend to walk with. Or form a group so that you can chat amongst yourselves while walking and keep your mind off any regrets that you are trying to convince yourself that you have.

Waking Up Early?

How come I always wake up late on a school day, and early on a non-school day?
because it's the law
murphy's law that is.
you'll wake up late for school cause school isn't that attractive. you wake up early on non-school days cause your body's expecting you to get up for school, even when it's saturday.
I can relate to you on that. I noticed that i only wake up early when i am excited about something or looking forward to the next day. However, school pretty much the same everyday, Unless you have a Field trip or a presentation to give the next day.
Because you're smart! That's what I do also, and it's because I want to make sure that I do all I can to make the weekends last as long as possible. When it's a school day, the longer I sleep, the faster the day is over with. hehe. good thinking :]

Vivid dreams?

does anyone eat big meals before bedtime?

does it cause vivid dreams?

i know that when i eat a big meal before bedtime it sometimes causes nightmares or very real dreams.
Happens to me all the time. Just the other night I dreamed that I was dressed as a pharoah on top of an Egyptian pyramid with thousands of bare-breasted Egyptian slave girls dancing around the base of the pyramid while they threw giant dill pickles at me. They were all shouting: "Quit that grinnin' and take off the linen!"

The noise grew louder and louder until my grandma came running out with foam earplugs.

Then it got weird....
No, it doesn't happen to me. The only thing that has caused disturbingly vivid dreams in my experience is Trazodone. Trazodone is an antidepressant medication that has drowsiness as a side effect and is often given to patients that have insomnia related to depression or anxiety. When I did sleep after taking it, I would wake up wondering whether or not my dreams were more real than my daily experiences while awake!
nightmares are fun because you can wake up from them, I'm bout to make some red beans and rice and I hope Freddy Kruger comes after me cuz I am gonna whoop his you know what, then I'm gonna sign some autographs and get the girl of my dreams, hopefully some dumb bloke or sheila wont wake me up out of my adventurous slumber
It usually happens to me also. my dreams just seem so real. to like the point were i can actually feel things..its cool in many ways...;)
When you eat before bedtime, you're more likely to feel relaxed and tired, so I guess you fall asleep and stay asleep easier than if you were hungry.
Eating then dozing off into vivid lucid dreams is one of my favourite things. :)

Viva La Revolucion?

Inspired yet again by Penfold's strife to overcome stupidity.
Good luck monkey boy!

Should I throw the bidet
out the window now pops
Should I just choke the air
Out of your putrid lungs
Should I?
Should I listen to Y!Overlords
when they tell me that violation occures
Should I?
Wondering round just minding my own
I get reported by a christian troll
Choking him
should bring quiet and calm
Turn to reporting
the cancerous gnome
Should we?...

Shouldn't we?
They are refusing to delete you out of spite now. Send them an email

I have broken every single rule in the Y!book and written some more and broken those as well. I demand to be deleted.
do what is best for you
no, you dupa, viva la difference ! of course in your case it is pearls before the swine...

Vitamin E oil?

People have said that vitamin E oil is good for reducing scars. how soon after a cut has been made can you apply the oil? can you apply it to a scab, or do you have to wait for a scar to form before applying it?

Have asked this again as i think i am likely to get more answers in here.
Once the wound has scabbed over you can start using oil. I had an old bad scar above my eye and a friend suggested bio oil. you can get it from most chemists and it costs about 拢10.It comes in a small bottle but it lasts ages as you don't need to use much of it. It helps get rid of scars, stretch marks and lots of other skin marks. It wont work overnight but after about a month you will start to see a difference. keep using it daily until you are happy with the result then you will only need to use it about once a week. My scar is virtually gone now and it also got rid of my stretch marks.
I would wait till the scab have "fallen off" before applying the oil, as the oil could cause the scab to go soft and it can hold germs.
Defineately wait until the wound has healed, it would interfere with the healing if you put it on too soon. I know that I have heard more evidence for cocoa butter.
i hope your not cutting yourself as you are too precious for that God loves you alot, read your bible each day and find out.
Sorry it really doesn't work!

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